belligerent • fourteen

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First order of business, y'all should go check out @deathdates x story 'Informal Hitman' when y'all finish this chapter because 1: it's a story about Jahseh & 2: she's a super good author. Thank you 😌

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"Alright, you ready?" Jahseh asked, his phone's camera in my face and his hand gripping mine. I squealed and nodded, shutting my eyes. "Alright. Go." He said to the artist.

I winced when I felt the first pricks of the needle into my face. I kept my eyes shut and squeezed Jahseh's hand tightly, trying to stop my small jumps while the needle was to my face. Tears welled up in my eyes and a few probably slipped out because Jah chuckled and squeezed my hand in a comforting manner. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I cursed under my breath every time he'd wipe it and start again.

"He's almost done." Jahseh reassured me. The last five minutes felt like ten but I got through them. The artist cleaned it and applied some kind of ointment to it. I opened my eyes to see Jahseh's phone still in my face. I wiped my eyes before chuckling and asking if I could see it. He handed me a handheld mirror and a grin spread across my face when I saw it.

"Mama Africa. On my face. Look at that." I laughed.

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"What else you tryna get into?" Jahseh asked me with a mouthful of fries. I shrugged, sipping my Sprite. "We can go to the beach but...I don't wanna wet my face." I replied.

He hummed and looked up from his food. "I don't wanna stay in the house though."

"Then go somewhere. I'm not stopping you." I responded, all nonchalant like but I really didn't want him to go anywhere. I know I'm being selfish but lately I've been wanting him all to myself. I feel like I was getting annoying so I tried to keep some distance from him but it was hard. I wanted to be all over him and around him every minute of the day. What was stopping me from doing so was I didn't want to run him away due to my clingy-ness. I had to remind myself that everyone needed their space.

He ran his fingers through his dreads, flipping them back. "I want you to go with me though're not going to want to go anywhere."

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned. "I don't have to go. I don't want to hold you back or anything."

I felt his phone vibrate on the table and he picked it up. Whatever he saw changed his mind quickly.

"You're right. I'll just drop you off at home." He quickly said, piling our trash together and leaving the table to go to the nearest trash can.

"Now?" I asked. He slowly pushed his chair in while shaking his head 'no'. "We can do something else." He suggested. I grabbed my phone and slid it into my back pocket before pushing my own chair in.

"It's cool. Drop me off."

He sighed lowly and grabbed my hand. "Come on." He muttered.

• • •

We sat in front of my apartment complex in his car in silence. He refused to unlock the door for me and every time I tried to unlock it myself, he'd lock it right back. I wanted to ask where and when he'd got the car but I didn't want to make conversation. I just wanted to get into my room and over think shit before taking a nap.

"What is wrong with you?" He finally asked. I uncrossed my arms and put my elbow on the glove compartment, leaning my head into the palm of my hand.

"All I want to do is go upstairs and go to sleep but you're being childish as fuck not letting me out." I seathed.

"You're being childish as fuck with this attitude. What did I do to you between now and an hour ago? Tell me." He ordered with more bass in his voice. It caught me by surprise really but I wouldn't show that.

"Jahseh, I'm fucking tired! That is it! I just want to go in my apartment and lay down, you're making this way bigger than it is!" I snapped at him, adding more hand motions.

"Then go, damn! I don't even know why I'm doing this back and forth shit with you anyway, you not even my girl." I rolled my eyes before unlocking the door myself and throwing his car door open. I got out as he yelled at me to chill and calm down before I slammed it back shut.

"Stupid bitch." I muttered to myself as I began marching up the steps to my apartment. I could hear his car speed off while I was unlocking the door.

The first thing I did when I got inside was scream and throw myself on my bed and scream some more. My screaming turned into crying and my crying led me to a nap, which I very much needed.

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I also think I should interact with y'all more bc why not? Anyways, what's your favorite color? Mines is pink 💕

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