belligerent • one

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My eyes scanned the scenery around me. Naked white girls pranced around in the sand, grabbing the attention of just about any guy there. I searched for my sister Venus among the chaos and relaxed when I spotted her two long black pigtails silhouette by the shore with two other people.

I frowned as my stomach growled. It was 11 at night and I hadn't ate since about 11 this morning. All they brought to this bonfire thing was two coolers full of drinks and pockets full of drugs.I wasn't planning on taking part in any of it tonight.

I sighed and made my way past the loud chattering towards my sister. I slowed my walk when I saw her pop a small something into her mouth. "Venus." I called.

Her head whipped around, one of her ponytails hitting one of the guys she was with. I smiled softly and waved at her friend Isaiah before directing my attention back to Ve. "Sorry to interrupt but I need the keys, I'm going to get something to eat."

She pulled her phone out of her swimsuit top and flashed it around her to spot the keys I'm assuming. "Shit...I can't find them."

Isaiah raised his head, his black curls flopping as he did so. "I can take you. I'm kinda hungry too." I eyed him suspiciously, twisting my lips up.

"My wallet is in our car though." I said as an excuse. It was really in the car, I just wasn't so keen on leaving the car him. Especially with the crowd around. He simply shrugged before he stood up, brushing the sand off of him and grabbing his shoes. "Man I'm coming too. I gotta get outta here." My eyebrows furrowed when I heard another voice. I couldn't make out his face at all but I knew I wasn't down to just go somewhere with two dudes I barely knew.

"You know wha-"

"Nah, I'm coming along too. I don't trust y'all." I nodded when Venus cut me off. "I was just about to suggest that."

We began walking up the beach, following Isaiah and his mystery friend. Ve was tripping all the way to the car and she almost fell about three times. I had to grab her forearm to keep her steady and from busting her ass in the sand. "Fuck did you take?" I asked. The other guy simply chuckled.

"What do you want?" Isaiah turned his head over his shoulder, looking at us. I shrugged although I was oddly in the mood for some seafood. "I don't care. I'll take anything right now." I replied as we arrived to Isaiah's car. I would say what it was but I didn't know shit about cars. All I knew is that it could drive and that's all that mattered.

He unlocked the doors and I got in the back along with Ve. He turned the car on and I jumped at the amount of bass that played. "Oh, shit. Remember this?" Isaiah laughed.

I hadn't heard the song personally but I remembered Isaiah and his friends did make music so this must of been one of their songs.

After I hit metamorph
I am a dog, girl abort
Shoot pregnant wife in a Porsche
That is expensive abortion

I eyed Venus while she sung along to it, laughing like she was reminiscing about being there in the studio when one of them made the song.

I had to give it to them though. The beat was nice and although the words were kind of weird, they sounded right at the same time. "Who is this?" I asked but I figured they couldn't hear my voice over the music.

My eyes slightly widened as I heard the second verse.

Like pussy, why you duck my fade?
I stare at Satan in the face
You soft as fuck like what the fuck

"This is you! Okay Saiah!" He laughed as I stuck my hand out to do some weird handshake that I wasn't expecting.

A few more songs played before we pulled into a T.G.I Fridays.

I've only been here once in my life and I guess the shit here was okay. He turned off his car and the music cut off with it.

We all filed out of his car and made our way into the place. It was nearing 12 o'clock so it wasn't a surprise that the place was basically empty. We were seated and sent menus as soon as we came in.

We sat in a booth in a far off corner. Venus sat by Isaiah and I sat by the other guy even though I practically begged her with my eyes to switch spots with him or me. We were in dim lighting but I could finally make out his face.

I noted that he had a couple of tattoos on his face. One stood out under his eye that resembled some kind of birthmark. His eyes were low and blonde and black dreads hung over his face. More tattoos adorned his fingers and hands and even peeping from the neckline of his hoodie, I could see the lining of another one. He looked like he had been through some shit but who was I to judge?

Ve and Isaiah were talking about somethings that didn't make sense to anyone else that wasn't under the influence. I added my few words in whenever the conversation called for my input but other than that I was just as silent as the guy next to me.

"Jah, you good?" Isaiah directed his attention to the other guy. I guess his name was Jah or something like that.

He looked up from the table before nodding at him. Isaiah eyed him for a few seconds before resuming the conversation with Ve. I sat up when a waitress came over, her eyes scanning the Jah guy up and down. He glanced at her once.

"Hi, I'm Tess and I'll be serving you today. Are we ready to order?"

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