belligerent • sixteen

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"Who you getting cute for?" Ski asked as soon as I stepped out of my room. "Why are you in my house again?" I didn't see Venus around anywhere and I could've sworn that she said she was leaving out for work a couple of hours ago.

He didn't reply as I stepped into the kitchen. I opened the fridge just to slam it back shut after I noticed that nothing was in it. I walked back out, in search of my purse so I could get my wallet. "Tell Venus she needs to go to the store when she gets home." I reminded him. He hummed in response and I grabbed my purse from off of the other couch.

Just as I pulled my wallet out, someone began knocking on my door. I huffed and quickly went to go open the door, the sound of my heels becoming more irritating.

I looked through the peep hole and sighed when I saw floppy curly hair instead of the bleached dreads I was expecting.

I opened the door and frowned at Isaiah. "Why are you here?" He chuckled and looked behind me into my home. "Ski invited me." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back at Ski, lounging on my couch. "Nah, he leaving anyway."

"What?" He asked from my couch. "You're leaving. Go." I repeated sternly, pointing to my door. He kissed his teeth and got up, putting his shoes on and joining Isaiah on my doorstep. As they walked away I could hear their conversation.

"She must need a nap or something." Isaiah muttered. "Nah, what she needs is some dick. Uptight ass." Ski replied causing me to roll my eyes and shut my door. I checked the time on the microwave and saw that Jahseh was supposed to be here almost half an hour ago.

'No worries. Probably slept in or something.' I thought to myself. To pass time, I decided to finish an episode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

Half an episode turned into two episodes and two turned into the rest of the third season and there was still no sign of Jahseh. I sent a couple of texts between episodes before finally giving up, changing out of my outfit and makeup and into a pair of boyshorts and a t-shirt.

I was so heated. My time had been wasted yet gain. I had decided that Jahseh was not going to ruin my night. I wasn't going to mope around all night like a loner. I wanted to have fun but I didn't want to leave the house so I called up Hailee, the girl I had met while out with Isaiah and them.

She and I texted each other daily and I would probably consider her as one of my closer friends. Hell, she was one of the few actual friends that I've made since I graduated high school a couple of months back. I mean, besides Jahseh I guess. But fuck him right now.

Less than half an hour later, Hailee and I were sprawled across the couch with junk food and alcohol on the coffee table that she brought and Love and Basketball playing on the television.

"I should've dated a basketball player. One with potential though." I muttered, taking a sip of the brown liquor in my cup. I wasn't a big fan of it but this was all she brought from wherever she came from.

She nodded, her eyes turning to me. "Instead you got a rapper." She joked, referring to Jahseh. I rolled my eyes so quick at her statement which she noticed.

"What happened?" She asked, her attention now back on the movie. "I'm honestly so done with him. I don't care what he does to make up for this shit, I'm not even going to accept the apology. "

"Elaborate." She motioned for me to continue. "He stood me up. I haven't heard from him since 1." She chuckled and shook her head, grabbing a handful of Doritos out of the bag. I snuck one out of her hand, waiting for her response.

"I don't even know why you're wasting your time with him. You know he's fucking crazy."

I rolled my eyes and kissed my teeth. "Everybody keeps saying that. But it's alright, because I'm not wasting any more of my time on him. He can do him and I'll do me." I probably didn't sound convincing enough because Hailee snickered and waved her hand. Hell I didn't even sound convincing to myself but I was going through with this. At least try to go through with it.

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I should've blessed y'all with something longer but I tried. I'm working on more chapters though so yeah 😊

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