belligerent • seven

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"Oh shit!" Someone yelled as some girl threw up on the floor right next to his feet. I eyed the situation, everything seemingly moving in slow motion. My head was leaning on my arm with my elbow planted onto the arm of the couch.

Everyone around them laughed and I scrunched my nose up at the smell. She didn't do much about it either. I was about to help her up and into the bathroom but stopped my actions when she almost punched one of her friends attempting to help her.

"Aye, you good Amber?" I looked to my right to see Rob, the guy from earlier, staring at me with a small smirk on his face. I nodded and put a lazy smile on my face causing him to chuckle.

My eyes scanned the room for no particular reason. I had nothing else to do. The fourth time I had looked around the room, I then noticed that Jahseh was here. He was ducked off in some corner by the front door, his phone screen lighting up his face. I decided to get up and go talk to him.

I uncrossed my legs and stood up, pulling down my shorts that had hiked it's way up into my ass. I slowly made my way over to him and leaned on the wall besides him. It took him a minute to notice that I was there.

"Why are you by yourself?" I asked. He shrugged before stuffing his phone in his pocket. "I didn't know you would be here." He said, his eyes wandering everywhere but on me. I furrowed my eyebrows before brushing it off. He didn't have to look at me anyway.

"I didn't know you would be here either. I only came because I didn't want to be bored but I'm just as bored here than I would be at home."

He finally met eyes with me. "You didn't seem bored when you was in there with Rob."

I raised an eyebrow, looking back at Rob on the couch. He and some other guy was laughing it up about something. "What did he give you?" Jahseh added. I turned back to look at him before shrugging.

"Something in his cup and half of some pill." I answered. He kissed his teeth. "So you don't know?" He questioned. I sighed and shook my head 'no'.

"Whatever it was, it's not doing anything. I'm fine I think."

He eyed me suspiciously before pulling out his phone. "You wanna go somewhere?" He suggested. I glanced over my shoulder once more and nodded. I honestly didn't care where we went. As long as I got to spend time with him, I was gucci.

I watched as he reached for my hand and it felt like my heart was beating in my throat when he grabbed it. My face heated up and I figured I was blushing. Blushing over damn near nothing. 'He grabbed your hand, so what?' I kept thinking to calm myself down.

We left the house and into the humid night. It had to be around 2 in the morning right now. He let go of my hand and I kept myself from sighing in disappointment. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"We can go to my apartment if that's fine with you." He said while looking behind us. I looked behind us also, trying to see whatever he was seeing before I nearly tripped over a piece of wood on the sidewalk. "Shit." I cursed to myself. "And how far is that?"

He hummed while thinking. "Around the corner really. It'll take like 5, 10 minutes." I nodded and continued walking along side him. The thought of asking him why he didn't have a car bugged me but I quickly shut it out. Not everyone had a car at 19.

Soon enough, we were in front of a large apartment complex. It was so quiet compared to the loud music and chattering that we were in the midst of about 15 minutes ago.

He grabbed my hand again and the throat-heartbeat thing started back up along with the unnecessary blushing. We walked through the parking lot and up a set of stairs and he stopped us at a door. Door B21.

I looked around me at our surrounding as he unblocked the door and we stepped inside. He closed the door and flicked on the lights. It wasn't something grand but it wasn't something basic either. I wasn't expecting the white and grey color scheme but it was nice.

He plopped down on the white couch and grabbed the remote, turning the television on.

"You just gon' stand there?" I stopped my inspecting and chuckled softly before kicking off my shoes and making my way to where he was on the couch.

• • •

Happy birthday to a husband 😌

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