Not your fault

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Okay firstly, I got carried away with the last part. I was never actually going​ to put Ezra in a coma. Originally, he was going to die. But I knew you guys would have been like:
And probably would have killed me.
So, I changed it to a coma. There's something that needs to be done with Sabine and Ezra first...😉

It was impossible to figure out who was the most terrified for Ezra. Sabine was always beside him, saying it was all her fault. And Kanan wouldn't talk to anyone, he would just so beside Ezra day and night hardly sleeping or leaving the room. Lost in his own fear for his boy.

But it was clear to see who was the most pissed. Hera.
As soon as she finished cleaning Ezra up, she took Pryce to a prizon cell and locked her in. Telling Chopper to keep watch on her, she went back to the Med-bay.
You mess with Ezra, you mess with the entire Rebellion.
As for Kallus, he was welcomed to the Rebels. He was given his own cabin, and walked freely round the base.
Occasionally, he would see people keeping an eye on him and he honestly couldn't blame them.
He was once an Imperial.

Sabine held Ezra's hand as she sat next to the bed. Her eyes on his busted up form.
The two gashes on the sides of his head were healing, as well as his bruises and cuts. But his limbs would take a lot of time.
"Ezra, I am so sorry. If I'd just stayed with you guys, none of this would have happened. When you wake, I hope you can forgive me."
The door hissed, making Sabine look round. Hera came in with a cup of coffee.
"Any changes?" She asked handing it to the Mandalorin.
"None. Hera, I feel like this is all my fault. If I didn't leave, Ezra wouldn't be like this."
"Sabine, this isn't your fault. Yes, Ezra pined for you for many days. He hardly slept, he kept having nightmares. And he didn't eat much either."
Sabine looked back at Ezra with a mixture of disbelief and love.
"And you know how he turned to the Dark side?"
Sabine nodded.
"He fixed the Sith Holocron and asked it to help him get you back."
Sabine almost dropped her coffee.
"He what?!" She exclaimed swinging​ round to look at Hera.
"You heard me. The Holocron turned him, he didn't want to, but if it was to get you back, he would've done anything."
Sabine glanced at the teen for a while.
"That's how much he loves you Sabine. With all his heart" Hera gently rubbed her shoulder before going over to Ezra and kissing his forehead.
"Come on Ezra, come back to us" she whispered.
The door opened again and Kanan entered.
"Pryce wants to speak to you Hera" he said.
"It's about time I question her" Hera growled walking out.
"Pryce is so dead" Sabine grinned.
Kanan smiled at that before seating himself beside Ezra.
"Come on kid. Wake up" he muttered.

Pryce looked up as Hera stood outside her prizon door.
"You wanted to speak to me?" Hera asked her.
"Yes. How much longer are you going to keep me in a cell? I helped the boy escape didn't I?"
"Your also the one who got him in the Med-bay Pryce" Hera retorted.
"You'll be in here until we decide it's safe. We don't know why you'd suddenly turn on the Empire. And we don't trust you at the moment. Until we do, this is your home."
Pryce nodded.
"I get that, but how is Kallus allowed to go freely?"
"Because he's Fulcrum, and he's served us greatly."
"Wait, Kallus is Fulcrum?!" Pryce repeated.
"Yep. And he's done well. See you Pryce. I will be back tomorrow."
Hera turned on her heel and went through the door.
Anger and hate bubbling inside her like lava.
Chopper and Pryce watched her​ go.
"So she found you?" Pryce asked the droid.
Chopper warbled.
"Did you just tell me to shut up?" Pryce asked.
Chopper looked round at her and nodded.
Pryce shook her head with disbelief. This droid had guts, and a lot of attitude.

Rex, Kallus, Zeb, Hera, Sato and Kanan stood in the breifing room a week later. Thinking deeply on what to do.
Ezra in a coma was definitely not good. And having all these broken limbs was another bad thing too.
"How are we supposed to wake him?" Rex asked.
"I'm not sure. I'm not even sure how he got into one in the first place" Hera admitted.
"Emotional pain perhaps?" Kallus suggested.
"Or physical" Zeb agreed.
Suddenly Sabine's voice yelled through Hera's com.
"Hera! He's awake! Get down here​ now!"
The Mandalorin's voice was full of excitement and relief.
They​ all looked at one another before running down the hallway.

All six Rebels burst through the door to see Sabine on the bed, carefully bandaging Ezra's torso.
They both looked round and Ezra blushed a little cause he wasn't wearing a shirt.
Hera had only spoken one word before he was crammed in a tight group hug from Zeb, Chopper, Hera, and Kanan.
Sato and Kallus watched from the doorway of the Med-bay.
Ezra squeaked a little as Chopper put some pressure on his arm.
They all backed off, smiles of relief and love on their faces.
Sabine helped Ezra put on his shirt and jacket before laying him back down.
"How long was I out?" Ezra asked.
"About a week" Hera today him sitting opposite Sabine on the bed. Caressing the terms face.
"You gave us a right scare Kid" Zeb sighed.
"It's my job" Ezra grinned.
Kanan hugged Ezra again.
"I was worried sick Ezra" he said as he drew away.
"Yep. He would hardly leave your side Ezra" Kallus said.
Ezra smiled at him before realising something.
"Where's Pryce?" He asked.
"In a confinement cell for now" Hera told him.
"Fair enough."
Ezra yawned and sunk deeper into bed.
"You probably should get some rest Ezra. The more you get, the faster your injury's will heal" Sabine said.
Ezra nodded closing his eyes.
"Hey Sabine?"
"Yeah Ezra?"
"Thank you for coming back. I love you so much."
"I love you too kid" Sabine smiled kissing Ezra's cheek before moving to go.
The others rose and left.
The door closed behind Sato and Ezra slept soundly for the first time in weeks.

Don't worry! It's not the end of the book yet! Key word yet. It's beginning​ to draw to a close though. Suggestions are still open!
Stay tuned!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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