blasters and darkness

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This was suggested to me by horses984 and HalfAFangirl. I've also thrown in an idea that SamVarty and AtziriiSauceDo gave me.
Remember, I am open to any suggestions!

Ezra entered the kitchen. Grabbing a Yogan from the fruit bowl, he left.
It had now been two weeks since Sabine left, Ezra was still down.
Everyone was worried. Sorry, wrong word...
Everyone was uptight about him.
Sure his eating had improved, but sleeping and socialising needed some help.
Ezra was well aware of the people watching his entry and departure.
His crew and Rex watched with concern as Ezra came and went.
Face pale, and dark under eyes even more prominent. They knew he would either pass out, or fall dangerously ill.
So far, Kanan, Hera and Zeb had talked with him, but nothing seemed to have changed.
As a matter of fact, his condition seemed to have gotten worse.
Rex looked up at Hera and Kanan who were talking quietly, while Zeb fiddled with his bo rifle.
"I'll be back in a minute" he told them.
"Be careful what you say to him Rex" Kanan said.
Rex briefly wondered how Kanan knew he was going to talk with Ezra, before heading out.

Ezra watched the spiders. Their weird movements across the sandy plains.
Pain roared inside him like fire, his heart felt like it was burning.
With a shaley breathing he swallowed his fruit.
"Hey Rex" he greeted flatly not turning round when he sensed the clone behind him.
"You doing okay kid?"
Ezra rolled his eyes.
"Everyone asks that. I'm fine" Ezra replied shortly.
Rex groaned at the boys tone.
It sounded different. Darker. Colder.
As if Ezra had just had the life sucked out of him.
"Ezra, do...Do you want to do some blaster training? You know, to take you mind off this?" Rex offered.
Ezra didn't know why, bt he felt a deep urge to say yes.
"Sure" he replied.
Rex smile slowly turned to a concerned frown as Ezra came up to him. The boy looked...Well...Dead.
Buts that's how Rex felt when he lost Ahsoka.
"Come on then."

Ezra missed again.
He was firing at a Stormtroopers helmet with his blaster.
Rex was confused. For one the kid hardly ever missed, and two, the target wasn't even moving.
"Ezra, your distracted, otherwise you wouldn't be missing."
The boy sighed and holstered his gun.
"I know, I just can't stop thinking about Sabine. I hoped this would take my mind off her" he admitted quietly. Looking at the ground, thin lipped.
Rex frown deepened before grasping Ezra's shoulder.
"Ezra, listen to me. When I lost Ahsoka, I was torn apart. I was acting like you were for a couple of days. But kid, it's been two weeks and you still haven't changed."
Ezra looked up at Rex, tears beginning to form.
"I can't help it" he whimpered.
"I've lost so many people close to me. I...I didn't want her"
Ezra broke down. Sobbing, and clutching his arms tightly.
Rex couldn't bear seeing the teen like this, he pulled Ezra into his arms and let him cry into his chest.
"That's it, deep breaths kid, that's it" Rex said gently as Ezra's sobs turned into sniffs.
"Your worrying everyone sick" Rex lifted Ezra's chin to look at him.
"I know that. But, I just can't stop thinking about her Rex. I loved her, and I'm scared I'm going to forget her."
Rex patted Ezra's back comfortingly and smiled.
"How could you forget her Ez? You have an entire room of her artwork and memories."
Ezra slowly nodded.

Ezra opened his cabin and went in.
Glancing over his shoulder, he locked the door, and went to his bunk. He pulled the Sith Holocron out from under his pillow.
It took him days of hard effort, but he finally managed to put it back together.
The other thought the lack of sleep was because of nightmares, when really it was him spending hours putting it together.
He worked late into the night, using all his strength until he was too exhausted and went to sleep.
Sitting on his bed he looked at it carefully. Was he seriously going to do it?
Embrace the opportunity to be a Dark side weilder?
Closing his eyes he let the Holocron rise out of his hands and slowly open.
'Hello again Ezra Bridger. Time has passed since we spoke' the cold voice of the Sith Holocron said.
"I know" Ezra replied quietly.
"I need some help, advice and training."
'I can provide you with all Ezra Bridger. But what is this for?'
"Do I seriously have to answer that?" Ezra asked through gritted teeth.
'You must trust me like you once did boy. When you returned from Malacore' the Holocron replied.
"It's for one I love. I want her back, and to do so, I need to grow stronger" Ezra said.
'Certainly Ezra Bridger, all my secrets are yours.'
Ezra opened his eyes. They flashed orange for a second before changing back to blue.
"All mine" he repeated hungrily.
"All mine."

What have I done???!!! 😱
I will update soon!


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