For Ezra

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Chapter 12! 😃

The cell door opened. Ezra opened his eyes slightly to see who it was.
Kallus and Pryce stepped through and stood above him.
Ezra opened his eyes completely and stared up at them with fear.
Kallus was shocked. Fear was a rare emotion he saw from Ezra. He probably thought they were there to torture him more.
"Pryce! Good god! What did you do to him?" Kallus exclaimed​, bending down and taking the gag off Ezra's mouth.
"Don't worry kid. We're getting you out of here" Kallus explained.
Ezra glanced up at Pryce nervously.
"Pryce is on our side Ezra. Now, we need to get you to docking bay twenty four, your friends are there to get you."
Ezra nodded, still not saying a word.
Kallus looked over at Pryce with a confused look.
"Don't look at me Kallus, I didn't do anything to his vocal cords" Pryce told him stubbornly.
"Although we might have a problem with his legs."
Kallus looked at them quickly and a wave of grief and horror washed over him. Both the limbs were broken. As well as the boys left arm.
"Seriously Governor" Kallus muttered to himself before undoing Ezra's shock bracelets leaving swollen, blistered, red wrists.
"Ezra, can you talk?" Kallus asked.
Ezra looked at him for a while. Before glancing at the ground and shaking his head.
"Okay this might feel weird" Kallus said.
"But don't fight me, and the plan will be easy."
Ezra gave him a confused look before realising what he was doing.
Kallus picked the boy up bridal style and stood.
Ezra gave Kallus a very pissed and disbelieving look.
"You'll be thanking me once we get you back to your friends" Kallus told him as Pryce opened the door.
Kallus was stronger then he looked, Ezra had to admit.
The man strode alongside Pryce with ease, it was as if Ezra was nothing but a bag of explosives to him.
'Please let this all go to plan' Kallus prayed.

Hera pulled out of Hyperspace. The crew was in an Imperial shuttle. The Star Destroyer looking down on them like a huge grey monster.
She swallowed nervously as the captain of the Star Destroyer spoke.
"Attention shuttle. Why are you here?"
Kanan, who was in the chair opposite Hera, cleared his throat​, and impersonated an Imperial piolet.  
"We're delivering cargo. New guns and explosives for when the Rebels try to rescue the boy."
Hera bit her tongue to stop herself from laughing. Kanan's​ impressions were always funny and cute.
"We were not aware of your visit. Send landing codes."
Hera hurriedly sent them.
"Shuttle 94, you are clear to dock."
"Thank you sir."
Kanan ended the transmission and Hera let a giggle slip from her mouth.
Kanan looked over at her.
"What are you laughing at?" He asked with a smirk.
"Nothing luv. Are the others ready?" Hera asked.
"Ready as ever" Kanan replied.
"Here goes nothing" Hera sighed steering the ship to docking bay twenty four.
"For Ezra" Kanan said.
"For Ezra" Hera repeated softly.

New update coming soon!

Star-Wars-Dragons 🐲

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