I'll be here for you

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Chopper was flying the ship, but Ezra sat in the pilot seat of the Phantom. Kanan was sitting in the back, thinking over what happened.
Sabine was gone, and so was the Darksaber. No more miracles or painting would be happening on the Ghost. No more of the feisty attitude that Sabine did so well. He had a deep ache in his heart and gut at the though of his 'daughter' gone.

Ezra had his arms crossed, staring at the controls of the shuttle absent minded.
He had lost her. Tears had threatened to fall when Sabine hugged him. Now he was weeping quietly. Making sure Kanan couldn't hear him. He knew Hera would make sure he was alright over the next couple of days. After what happened to Kanan on Malacore, Ezra bottled his emotions inside him without thinking.
He cut himself off from the others emotionally. And Ezra was sure that they would stop him from doing it again. 
He shuddered and hugged his arms to himself tightly.

Kanan looked up at Ezra, brow furrowed. He sensed waves of pain and sadness rolling off him. Listening very carefully, he was sure he heard a sniff. Which meant one thing.
"Ezra" Kanan said. He heard the seat creak which definitely meant his Padawan was looking at him.
"Come here."
Footsteps approached him after a few seconds.
Once he was sure the boy was standing in front of him, he reached out and took Ezra's arm.
Gently, he pulled the boy next to him.

Ezra saw Kanan take his arm, but didn't fight as he was leaded to sit beside his mentor.
Ezra sighed and waited for what was coming. He clutched his arms and looked at Kanan expectedly.
"We'll see Sabine again. You know that, right?"
"I know that in my head, but in my heart..." Ezra's voice trailed off.
"You believe that was the final goodbye. I know the feeling." 
Ezra glanced up at his Master.
"Why?" He asked.
"Why what?" Kanan said in confusion.
"Why does this always happen to me? I've lost my parents, and Ahsoka. Why did I have to lose her?" Ezra voice cracked as a lump rose in his throat.
Kanan put his arms round Ezra comfortingly.
"It was her choice to leave us and go back to her family Ezra. I know you've lost a lot of people close to you, and I'm sure you didn't want to add any of us to that list. But, just remember what Sabine asked you not to do?"
"Not to pin for her" Ezra replied quietly.
"But Kanan. It's not easy, you...you know I had a thing for her."
Kanan noticed the hint of embarrassment in the boy's tone and felt his lips twitch.
"I know Ezra, but still. Don't worry, she'll be back. And until then, I'll be here for you."
(Cinemasins: Roll credits!)
Ezra cracked.
Not only a smile, but the tears he held back. He launched himself into Kanan's arms, and sobbed into his shirt.
"Shh Ezra. It's okay."
The two Jedi sat hugging one another till Choppers beeping came over the com. Saying they had reached Chopper base.
Kanan drew away, holding Ezra's arms.
"You okay now?"
"I probably won't be for a couple of days. But yeah, right now I'm alright" Ezra replied tiredly.
Facing Mandalorin's, meeting Sabine's family, and crying your eyes out was exhausting.
"Your taking a nap as soon a we get back" Kanan said with a smirk.
"I know, I know" Ezra yawned hugging Kanan one more time.
"Thanks Kanan, I mean it" he whispered.
"I'll always be here for you Ezra" Kanan replied softly.

Awwwww!!!! I was smiling the entire time as I was writing this! I love making fluff moments between my favourite Jedi. (Apart from Ahsoka of course!)
I will update soon!



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