May the Force be with you

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Woo Hoo! Part 15! This book will be over before I know it! 😇

The Imperial shuttle came out of Hyperspace above the Rebellions base.
(If anyone knows the name of the planet, please put it in the comments 😃)
Hera landed the ship an raced to where the crew had Ezra. The boy was on the floor with Kanan's​ arms around him. Sabine was crouching beside Ezra with a hand on his shoulder, silent tears streaming down her face.
Zeb, Chopper, Kallus, and Pryce were standing round the trio. Looks of unease and fear on all of their faces.
"What is it?" Hera asked fearfully opening the door.
"He was awake when we were escaping. But now he's passed out and his hearts stopping" Sabine sobbed.
Hera felt her breath catch at her words.
"Hurry! Get him to the Med-bay!" She said already going down the ramp.
Zeb quickly took the young Jedi from Kanan and took off after the twe'lik. The others were right behind.
Ezra was taken into the Medical room and Hera shooed them out.
"But Hera..." Kanan began to protest but she stopped him.
"Kanan, I know you want to be by his side, but we can't have everyone cramming up the Med-bay, just stay out here, or go to your cabin. You look like your about to pass out!"
Kanan nodded but felt a deep ache inside as the door closed.
"He'll be okay Kanan" Zeb told the worried Jedi.
"I didn't see his injury's, how bad are they?" Kanan asked nervously.
The others fell silent. Pryce looking very guilty.
"Three broken limbs, and lots of cuts and bruises" Sabine told him.
Kanan felt a wave of sick horror at her words.
"Pryce" he growled threateningly.
"Easy Kanan. She was just following her orders. You have no idea what the Empire does to you if they find your a traitor" Kallus said.
"Well Ezra might die from what she's done" he retorted.
"I'm going to my cabin. If there's any news on Ezra, tell me."
Kanan left.
"Was he tapping into the Dark side?" Pryce asked.
"Nope. Tapping into the protective father instinct" Sabine smirked.
Kallus smiled and patted Chopper's dome.
"Good work back there Chopper. You definitely have some bravery in you" He praised.
Chopper lifted his head at that and purred.
Kallus raised a brow, still smiling at the droids antics.

Kanan sat in a meditating position. He felt bad. None of this would have happened if he had found the Sith Holocron sooner.
'Some Master I turned out to be' Kanan thought bitterly.
Kanan's head shot up.
He checked quickly through the Force.
"I'm losing it" he told himself looking back down.
"Lost yourself maybe. But not your mind."
"Master?!" Kanan called out looking up again.
"Hello Padawan."
"How is this possible?"
"The Force Caleb. The Force."
"How come you've never for to me before?" Kanan asked getting comfortable on his chair.
"I had no need to. But now, there is something I can do for you. Your Padawan, Ezra Bridger, your worried for him yes?"
"Definitely, I see him as my son" Kanan replied.
"Hmm. Attachments were not allowed in the Jedi code, but I believe that's what make us what we are. But if young Ezra does go down, do not pin for him. Celebrate him."
"Yes Master."
"May the Force be with you Caleb Dume."

Kanan woke. He sat up and stretched. He must've fallen asleep! Well, he hadn't slept ever since Ezra had been taken. So once it was peaceful, he let himself go.
He remembered what his Master had said about Ezra. 'Attached? I'm not attached to him, am I?' Kanan thought.
But it all made sense. Ezra was seen as a son to him, emotionally and physically.
With a smile he picked up his com when he heard beeping from it.
"Kanan you there?"
"I'm here Hera. Give me some good news."
"Well, the good news is that he will make it."
"And the bad?" Kanan asked nervously.
"He's in a coma."

Oh god! A coma? Right when they get Ezra back, a new drama takes place! New update coming!

Star-Wars-Dragons 🐲

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