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This is some Hera and Ezra fluff.

Sabine had the Darksaber and Ezra's lightsaber at Saxon's throat. He was on his knees in front of the female Mandalorin.
"Yield!" Sabine ordered dangerously.
"I will never yield to you girl!" Saxson snarled.
"You'll have to kill me."
Sabine glared at the man with disgust before lowering the blades.
"That may be the Mandalorin way, but it's not my way. Nor any more."
Sabine moved away from Saxson towards the others. Saxson pulled a gun from his holster and fired. The bang echoing in the cold air.
Sabine stopped short, holding her hand on an open, circular wound on her chest.
"SABINE!" Ezra screamed running forward as she collapsed.
"No no no no, you can't die! Sabine please! I need you! Don't go, I can't lose you too!"
Ezra held Sabine in his arms, crying and holding her hand.
"Ezra" she whispered weakly.
"Your not losing spirit will guide you...I...I love you Ezra...and I always will..." Sabine's voice trailed off, and she fell limp in the Jedi's arms.
"Sabine? Sabine! No! Please!" Ezra's voice cracked.
"Don't go."
Ezra held Sabine to his chest, crying as the others stood around them. Heads bowed, Sabine's mother and brother shedding tears of their own.
Saxson stood. Gun pointing at Ezra.
The boy looked up. Eyes still shinning with tears, he used the Force to get his lightsaber.
Standing up, he turned round to face the enemy Mandalorin.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Ezra screamed running at the man.
Saxson fired, but Ezra blocked every blast. When he reached Saxson, he ran him through.
Darkness and anger was fueling Ezra as he glared into the man's eyes...

Ezra woke with a yell.
The first thing he saw was Hera's concerned face above him.
"Are you alright Ezra?" She asked softly.
Ezra couldn't hold back. He launched himself into Hera's arms, and sobbed into her shoulder.
Hera held the boy close and gently rubbed his back.
Ezra's crying slowly turned to sobs. He was glad that Zeb and Kanan were out on a supply run, otherwise he would have been really embarrassed.
Hera pushed Ezra away and cupped his wet face in her hand.
"I...I'm sorry Hera. I don't know what came over me."
"It's alright Ezra. You needed to get it off your chest. Did you have a nightmare?"
"That mixed with a memory" Ezra sniffed.
"I miss her" he whispered.
"I do too" Hera replied hugging Ezra again.
The boy pressed his face into the Twe'lik's shoulder. Sniffing continuosly as he closed his eyes. It had been a few days after the absence of Sabine, and it was depressing. Ezra had taken it badly. Probably worse than any of the others.
"Ezra. I know losing Sabine wasn't nice for you" Hera said running her hand up and down Ezra's back.
"But you have us to look after you. Just remember that."
Ezra drew away from Hera and gave her a weak smile.
"I know."
Hera placed her hands on Ezra's sides which made him tense a little. He knew that Hera knew that he was ticklish. And he was afraid of what might happen.
"Ezra, breathe, it looks like your holding your breath" Hera said, then noticed where her hands were.
With a sly grin, she squeezed his side's and waited for the reaction. It happened in about two seconds.
Ezra squeaked and tried to get away from the Twe'lik. Hera giggled and began the tickling process around Ezra's midsections and ribs.
Ezra fell on his back and tried his best to get Hera's quick fingers from his sides. Unfortunately, in doing so, he made things easier for the mischievous Twe'lik.
She straddled his waist and went for his armpits.
Ezra was continuosly squirming underneath Hera, trying to stop her as she tickled him unmercifully.
"Hera!" He yelled through his laughter.
"Cut it out! I'm SERIOUS!" Ezra was laughing his head off as Hera continued her attack.
Ezra tried to roll over, another failed attempt to get away. Hera turned the young Jedi onto his back again, and stroked her fingers on the underside of his arms.
This reminded Ezra of when Sabine had tickled the snot out of him. (The book from that is: Ezra's pain.)
Ezra was reduced to a giggling mess as Hera slowed her attack to a stop.
She got off him and sat on the bed.
"You feeling better?" She asked as Ezra sat up. Propping himself on his hands.
"Yeah, thanks Hera."
Ezra looked away from her, still smiling. He quickly dried his eyes and face when he realised that he had shed a few tears from laughing so hard.
"Why does everyone do that to me now?" He asked.
Hera shrugged with a grin.
It was true. Ever since Sabine had revealed Ezra's deepest secret he wanted no one to know, his team had tickled him whenever they had the chance.
Either it being brushing past his side's, or the occasional elbow in the ribs, Ezra became a giggling mess.
"You should get some more sleep" Hera said after a minute.
Ezra nodded and lay down on his bunk.
Hera ran a hand through his short raven hair fondly as he closed his eyes.
She loved these moments between them.
Hera got down from the bed and walked towards the door with a smile still on her face.
"Goodnight Ezra" she whispered.
She closed the door and went to her room.

I've always wanted to do a fluff moment between these two. 😃
Have a good one.


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