I am a Jedi

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Ezra weakly opened his eyes. His head was throbbing horribly as he recollected what happened.
A mission was being done, Vader arrived, I fought to the death, Sabine had come back...
Realisation hit him. Back!
He sat up fast but his head collided with metal.
With a yell of pain, he fell back on to the cold substance he had woken on.
His heads pain doubled, which made his vision blurry.
Finally it cleared and he looked round the room he was in.
A cold metal cell.
That's the only way to explain it.
He looked down at his hands to see a heavy, metal bracelet on each wrist.
His confusion turned to curiosity as he examined it. He had always been interested in mechanical things like this. But why they put them on him was beyond him.
Suddenly, the door swished open and Governer Pryce walked in.
Ezra waited for her to say something as she studied him carefully.
"So! How's life being an Imperial scum?" Ezra asked.
Pryce's glare sharpened as she pulled out a controller.
"You might want to watch what you say boy" she growled.
"Or you will face the consequences."
She pressed a red button and electricity pulsed though Ezra like water.
He screamed in agony, falling to the floor, he held the bracelet on his right wrist. His curiosity for the device now turned to a bitter hatred.
"Tell me boy, the location of your base."
"Never" Ezra spat.
The Imperial pressed the red button again and more electricity crackled.
Ezra withered on the cold ground, twitching. Never in all his life had he felt a pain like this.
Angrily he sat up, and tried to use the Force to throw Pryce out, but no feeling of the power came to him.
"What?" He asked himself trying again.
"Ah yes. Seeing the affects of your Force Inhibitor I see?" Pryce leered with a smirk. She leaned down to Ezra and punched him round the jaw.
With a grunt, he collapsed into the cold floor.
"I will be back to torture you boy. Just remember, it will also be over when you tell us what you want to know."
With that, Pryce walked out of the cell.
Ezra slowly hit up and sat on the bench.
His strength already drained from the electricity, now he knew how Kanan felt when he got captured.
He clasped his hands together and thought deeply. If only he hadn't mourned for Sabine. If only he hadn't fixed up the Holocron.
Why was his life so darn difficult all the time?!
A single tear fell from his closed eye and he thought more about his crew.
Hera and Kanan. Zeb and Chopper. Sabine and Rex.
He opened his eyes. They were sparkling blue with a very faint yellow around the pupils.
"I am a Jedi" he whispered.

Pryce returned as promised a few minutes later.
And she also was armed with the most terrifying torture weapons he had ever seen.
When she arrived she found him in a kneeling position on the floor, deep in meditation.
Her anger flared and she pressed the button on her remote.
Ezra's eyes snapped open and he glared at her.
"Do you mind?" He snapped.
Pryce did a double take. The boy's blue eyes burned into hers as she stared.
For many seconds, the just glared at one another, it was as if they were trying to win a staring contest.
"You may have returned to a Jedi boy. But I will break you" she growled.
"Sure you will. Just like you broke Sabine. Oh wait, you didn't, she broke you" Ezra replied with a slight smirk.
Pryce looked like she would bite Ezra's head off. If looks could kill, she would have murdered him.
She gagged him and closed the door.
"Let's see how well you can take to this then" she leered evily.
Ezra swallowed nervously.

An hour later..

Pryce grabbed Ezra's hair and yanked him up off the ground to look at him.
He had two bloody gashes on either side of his head and his shoulders were oozing with red.
His chest and back had cuts all over, and his nose was running with blood. He even had a black eye.
His orange jumpsuit had been replaced with a black one.
Pryce didn't understand why he hadn't broken yet. He's been electrocuted, cut, punched and tortured like crazy, but nothing had worked.
"We'll try again tomorrow Bridger. Thrawn said he would be coming to visit you" Pryce told him.
Ezra could hardly focus on her​, his entire body was aching like mad.
Pryce let go which made Ezra fall. As soon as his head made contact with the floor, he was out.
Pryce stood. Looking down on the boy with a mixture of hate and concern.
Sure she had tortured many people, but hurting a child was nothing she'd ever done. With a sigh, she left.

Leaving Ezra alone in his own blood.

Sorry I haven't updated recently. I went on a family trip on Friday and didn't get back till late on Saturday! Hopefully this will make up for it. 😃

Star-Wars-Dragons out!

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