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Part 13 as promised!

Kallus was extremely thankful that they didn't run into any Stormtroopers. He would have some huge explaining to do. 
Pryce was in the lead. Checking round corners in case of the troops guarding the ship. Before motioning to Kallus to come.
Ezra had pain shooting up and down his legs all the time, but didn't let any noises come out of his mouth. 
He was being held close to Kallus as they proceeded down the hall. To be entirely honest, he didn't mind that much that the Imperial agent was carrying him. It felt a bit like what Zeb or Kanan would do.
The only time he did let a noise erupt from inside him was when Kallus had to jump to the cover of a corner when a squadron of troops came.
Ezra hit his legs against the wall and would have screamed in agaony unless Pryce didn't cover his mouth with her hand. Putting a finger to her lips, telling him to be quiet.
Ezra would have shot back that she wasn't the one with three broken limbs and completely busted up. But he didn't risk it. Partly because he knew there were troops around, and two because he didn't entirely trust her yet.
Kallus entered the docking bay with Pryce to see an Imperial shuttle landing.
"That has to be them" Kallus whispered to Pryce.
The Governor yanked the man behind a stack of crates.
Ezra bit his lip and Kallus glared at her. About to ask why, but Pryce made a zipping motion to her lips and pointed past the crates. Kallus peeked out and knew immediately why.
Troops were everywhere.
And that was a true fact. Now they knew why they hadn't seen any Stormtroopers, they were all in the docking bays, waiting for the Rebels.
"Now what?" Kallus's asked ducking back behind.
Ezra gave a soft groan and clutched his left arm.
Kallus's grimanced and patted Ezra's back.
"Hang on kid. Don't worry. I'll...I'll think of something."

Hera stared at the amount of troops in the docking bay. There must have been at least over seventy!
"Hera? What's wrong? Fill me in, I don't know what's going on" Kanan said.
Sabine, Zeb and Chopper came into the cockpit.
"Where's Kallus?" Hera asked immediately.
"We saw him behind some crates with Ezra and Pryce" Zeb told her.
"And with all these bucket heads around, they don't have a chance" Sabine added.
Chopper warbled in a frustrated way before rolling out the door.
"Chopper? Chopper where are you going?!" Hera called after him.
Suddenly, a button on the control panel began flashing.
"Why the heck is he going outside?" Sabine asked.

Chopper rolled out of the ship but was stopped before he even made ten meters.
"Halt. We were told there was guns and explosives being delivered, not droids. What is your purpose?" the trooper asked.
Chopper beeped at him.
"Go suck rocks?!" The Stormtrooper exclaimed in shock and anger.
Chopper confirmed he said that before electrocuting the trooper and speeding away, waving his little metal arms.
"Blast that droid!" The trooper barked and the others obeyed.
Chopper wheeled in and out of view. Behind crates, into the open, behind crates, into the open.
The troops were firing like crazy. But of course they were missing.
"He's being a distraction for us!" Zeb realised.
"Well go then!" Hera ordered.

Kallus, Ezra and Pryce watched the scene with a mixture of disbelief and amusement.
"The droids lost its mind" Pryce said.
"He never had one to begin with" Kallus grinned.
Ezra smiled slightly.
Kallus connected to the Rebels com frequency.
"Captain Syndulla, what's the plan?" Kallus said.
"Kallus? I never thought I'd be happy to hear your voice! Where's Ezra? How's his condition?" Hera asked.
"He's..." Kallus hesitated before answering.
"He's here with us. His injury's are pretty bad. What's the plan?" He repeated.
"My crew is providing a distraction so you and the others can get aboard."
"On our way."

Zeb, Sabine and​ Kanan burst from the ramp and fired at the bucket heads.
Chopper took the chance and sped over to where he had seen Kallus, Ezra, and Pryce.
"Good job Chop" Kallus said.
Chopper saw Ezra and looked at Pryce with a growl. "Don't worry Chopper" Kallus said.
"He'll be okay."
The droid pointed at the ship and warbled.
"You right we should get moving" the agent agreed before standing and following the droid with Pryce right behind.
"Hello Fulcrum" Zeb greeted then saw Ezra.
"What did you do to him?!"
"Hey, Pryce's work not mine. Let's go" Kallus replied.
"Hera! Everyone's aboard, go!" Kanan yelled into his com, deflecting another blaster bullet with his lightsaber.
They all ran into the shuttle while Hera closed the ramp.
She flew out of the cargo bay into space.
The twe'lik's glare intensified as she dodged the fire coming from the Star destroyer.
Finally, she slammed her hand onto the dashboard​, and the familiar blue and white streaks of hyperspace welcomed the ship into its clutch's.
They had done it.
They'd rescued Ezra.

Jeez! The escape was tricky to write cause I had to figure out what would happen. 😃
Stay awesome my readers!

~Star-Wars-Dragons 🐲  

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