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Chapter 23

Sang Sorenson's POV-

The cigarette smoke tripped the fire alarm.

The sprinklers went off, drenching us. The short-haired girl screamed as the boys laughed. Jade grabbed her bag ducking for the doors as I followed after.

Fuck this. I'm out of here.

I needed to try my dad again.

Jakob caught me outside the classroom. Relief flashed in his eyes. "This way," he gruffed leading me into the parking lot to a Jeep. "Get in. I'm taking you to your faithful dogs."

I didn't need to be told twice, jumping into the passenger's seat.

He started off down the road. "Do you trust me?"

"Not really," I admitted.

He nodded. "Good."

I shook my head. "Listen, I'm going to make a call."

"To who?"

"None ya."

"Don't be like that. I'm protecting you."

"After you just confirmed that I shouldn't trust you...that's what you lead with?"

Jakob shrugged in his leather jacket. His knuckles were covered in scars. A thick scar ran across his cheek. He caught me staring, nightmarish eyes not seeming so nightmarish. "What?"


"Talk to me. I know more about what's going on here than your Academy chums."

"Do you know how my dad is involved in this?" I couldn't stop myself. I clutched my cellphone.

"Eh, it's all conjecture." He drummed his fingers. "I think he's involved because you're being targeted. We did research on you and found out that your mother isn't your biological mother."

My breath caught. What?

"Your father is your father. We found some of his hair in a brush and sent it to genetics to be tested." Jakob turned down Sunnyvale Court. "Okay, here we are at the ginger's house. Get out."


"Get out. Rhymes with trout."

"Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You can't tell someone that and just..."

Jakob hissed at me, and I leapt back against the door.

"I can do what I want. You fear me, rightfully so. Now get the fuck out of my car."

"Answer one question-"


I stumbled out of the car into the brown-haired killer from yesterday. He caught my arm, leaning towards Jakob's open window. "What got into you?"

"Whatever is going to happen is going down tomorrow. The principal and McCoy are in on it. McCoy is the brain, but there's someone above them, and even if Paul Sorenson is involved, he's not the top dog."

The killer nodded. "Do they still plan to take Sang?"

"Seems so. Friday."

"So, we bait her?"

My brows rose. "Bait me? What the fuck does that mean?"

"Yeah, what the fucking hell does that mean?" Gabriel stormed out of Nathan's house, flanked by Nathan, Kota, and Victor. Luke followed after and chucked a wallet at Jakob's chest.

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