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Chapter 21

Sang Sorenson's POV-

Missing Persons...

Two words, yet they stole the breath from my lungs as I stood before Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green.

"You can't be serious," I managed, taking a seat on the piano bench. "You think my dad is out kidnapping people?"

Mr. Blackbourne adjusted his glasses. "The mercenaries seem to think so. Though if your father is apart of the kidnappings, it doesn't explain why you're a target."

I grimaced, fighting the urge to run away. This was fucked up.

Marie was trying to extort money from me. I broke Victor's phone. My mother beat me. My father might be a kidnapper. I had mercenary bodyguards who murder people under the orders of some redacted guy, and on top of everything I had detention tonight.

Tears streamed down my face.

Victor Morgan's POV-

It's been a while since our team has had a challenging mission.

All the Sorenson drama and stolen money kicked our team into overdrive.

I couldn't remember the last time Owen allowed me to install illegal cameras and wiretaps.

I covered the Sorenson house in less than an hour before reaching out to Silas.

He and North had branched out, joining the football team a few weeks back.

Our suspicions for the culprit behind the missing funds was the football coach, Mr. McCoy, and the principal, Mr. Hendricks, but nothing substantial had come to light.

Currently both Silas and North were at practice, but there were rumors of a party at the lake this Friday.

...it would be a perfect place for girls to go missing, and we were sure the mercenaries would be making an appearance...

Plus, if Coach McCoy was really involved, he'd know the location of the party, and chances are we'd be able to catch him redhanded.

When I checked my cellphone, there was a text from Sang.

Victor 1 (Sang): How r u?

Victor 2: Good. Did you break my phone, Princess?

Victor 1 (Sang): Yes... teeny crack...

I chuckled, having already purchased Sang her own phone the other day. It was sitting at Owen's house since I hadn't had an opportunity to give it to her.

Kota Lees POV-

The hunter shall become hunted.

Dressed head to toe in camouflage I tracked the mercenary who buried the body in Nathan's yard.

He kept two-hundred paces ahead of me, and appeared to be casing houses from the woods.

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