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Chapter 20

Sang Sorenson's POV-

When I arrived at school, my name was sounding over the intercom.

"Song Sorenson. Please have Song Sorenson please come to the main office. Song Sorenson."

My eyebrows rose.

Principal Hendricks wanted me to come to his office this morning. How could I have forgotten? My heart dropped to my shoes.

North caught my sleeve. "Sang, don't let that bastard rattle you. As far as he knows you're Academy."


North winced. "We'll explain later. Just, if he asks, say you're part of the Blackbourne team. It should make him back off."

I nodded. "Thanks North."

The hallways were empty and I made quick work of finding the main office. The labyrinth of hallways were becoming familiar and that alone made me walk with a little more confidence.

As I pushed into the office, the receptionist was waiting for me. She was young, blonde with thin eyebrows. "Song?" she asked.

I smiled, nodding slightly.

"Have a seat."

The office was empty aside from myself and an older guy in a leather jacket. He was beefy with spiked golden blond hair, and was flicking through a cosmopolitan magazine.

He caught me staring and smiled slowly. His canine teeth came to points like a fucking vampire. "I enjoy the articles."

I nodded once looking away and trying to never look back at that guy. He scared the hell out of me.

I could hear him shift in his seat.

His enormous feet were shoved into black mercenary boots and his pants were tucked into the tops.

"Song," came Mr. Hendricks voice as he made his way into the office lobby.

I rolled my eyes, pushing myself to my feet. There was a flash of light to my right, and my knees were so sore from kneeling on rice that they almost gave out.

I caught myself on the arm of the chair and Mr. Scary studied me. His green eyes were what nightmares were made of. Torment danced in their depths as he gave me that slow smile again.

"Hendricks," he said. His voice deep and smooth. "Her name is Sang."


"The girl. Her name is Sang, not Song. Get it right."

Mr. Hendricks gave the man a once over that started at his boots and ended at his eyes. "Who do you work for?"

"What do you mean?" the blond inquired. "I'm just taking a look about the school. I'm new in town. I want to make sure I'll be going to a place in which I can get the best education."

"You're too old to be going to school here," Mr. Hendricks said stiffly.

"Am I?" The blond looked down at himself. "I suppose you're right. I guess I'll be going now. So long, Sang." He waved as he went out the doors and disappeared down a bend.

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