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Chapter 8

Sang Sorenson's POV-

    The September air was cool against my cheeks as I marched through the grass towards Scraggle Beard. He held the orange kitten and was mock dropping it.

   Scraggle Beard's friends laughed as the kitten cried, and my face darkened. People who hurt animals were truly evil.

   "Hey! Knock that off!"

   The sound of my voice shocked even me. The boys spun. Scraggle Beard grinned, mock dropping the kitten again, laughing when he mewled.

   "You motherfuckers!"

   Was that me again?

   Oh dear god... I charged forward. No, Sang. No!

   I slammed into Scraggle Beard, and the cat flew from his hands as we came crashing down. Thwhap! Smack!

   I punched him square in the jaw before he snagged my wrist. My hand opened up and struck him across the cheek as we rolled.

    Scraggle Beard spat, pinning me to the ground. He grabbed a handful of my hair, bashing my head into the ground to keep me still as I tried to strike him.

   "You little bitch!" he hissed.

   “Jackass,” I writhed, kneeing him hard in the groin. He smacked me in the face.

  …and then Scraggle Beard was gone.

   I looked up to see Ser Silas.

   Where had the kitten gone? I stumbled to my feet, looking around. I hunkered down to peer under the trees. Scraggle Beard could have really hurt that kitty...

   "Princess, is this what you're looking for?"

   I turned to see Victor with an orange little cat snuggled in his arms. He smiled softly when I nodded, and it was like my heart had been struck with an arrow.

   Victor was so sweet.

   I ran up to him to pet the kitty, but stopped an arm’s length away. Victor was tracing me over with those warm brown eyes. If there was ever a man who could ‘release the smolder,’ it was Victor.

   I tried to focus back on the kitten purring for its life in Victor's arms. The orange ball of fur rubbed its tiny face against my fingers as I reached out for it.

   "He likes you, Princess. Maybe you should take him home?"

   "Mother would never let me," I whispered, rubbing at a kitten ear. "What should we do with him?"

   "I'll take care of him," came a reassuring voice. I looked up to see Kota fixing his glasses. "Victor, you and Sang should head to class. You don't want to be late."

   Kota tucked the kitten into his jacket before heading back into the school, followed by a wide-eyed Luke.

   Gabriel flashed me a thumbs up. North, on the other hand, was practically scowling at me, and it took all of Nathan's strength to keep North from charging after me.

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