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Chapter 13

Sang Sorenson's POV-

Kota and Silas both looked up from their desks as I walked into math class.


I didn't change my schedule.

I ran out of the office too fast to do that.

Their worried eyes followed me as I took a seat on the opposite side of the room. At least I didn't have to sit near them.

I was still hell-bent on keeping those boys at a distance.

Especially now that I had managed to get on the principal's bad side. Week one was going excellent if you couldn't tell. Go me.

With any luck, Dr. Green didn't tell the others about my bruises. That would be best, but I didn't know for sure and I couldn't ask outright.

When class ended, I raced for the door, unfortunately I could only manage a shamble and Silas cut me off in the hall.

He was a hulking mass of a man and his shadow fell over me as he took my hand, pulling me to the lockers. "Aggele, please don't avoid us just because of North." So, they didn't know about the bruises?

Kota stood behind him. "Please listen, Sang. North doesn't speak for everyone, and the rest of us want you in our lives."

"You want me in your lives?" I raised a brow because I was still too sore to laugh.

I could never be a part of their lives.

North had the right idea. They all should shut me out while they still could. I was already going to get my ass reamed by the principal. I didn't need this.

"Of course we want you in our lives. We're friends." Kota went on. "Mr. Blackbourne thinks he has a perfect role for you in his play, and Luke wants to...ninja with you? I don't know what that means, he just told me to tell you."

A smile slipped. Damn them.

Kota smiled back, green eyes flashing behind his glasses. "Gabe already wants to dress you and Vic...never have I seen Victor talk to a girl the way he talks to you. And I think you're great and so does Nathan and Silas. We want to keep seeing you. North will come around. Luke wants to take you out tree climbing, and like I said, Mr. Blackbourne wants you in the play, so hopefully we will be seeing more of each other--"

The bell sounded overhead.

"Oh, shoot. I'm just going to be late to every damn class." I swore, wincing as I reached down for my backpack, but Silas got there first.

"May I walk you, Aggele Mou?"

Begrudgingly, I nodded.

Plan Don't-Let-Anyone-In was failing miserably.

"Kota?" I called before he could walk away. "Did Dr. Green say anything to you guys...about me...that would make you want to keep talking to me?" Hey, did Dr. Green tell you that I was being beaten at home so you all would feel obligated to keep being my friends?

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