Part 6

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“Come on, just a couple rounds please Ben?” I beg him.

“Oh fine, just stop begging you’re acting like a dog.” He says laughing. We sit on the bed and begin playing. After a few rounds of my winning, we take a break and begin to talk.

“Do you remember what it was like before?” I ask Ben laying down on the bed beside him. He sits up cross legged shuffling the cards.

“Yeah of course. Why?” Ben says looking at me.

“Do you miss it?” I ask him.

“Yeah but the one thing that I don’t miss, is high school. I mean even though we only went like one year I still hated it.” Ben says facing his body towards me.

“Oh my gosh I know right. Remember all the annoying teachers and popular kids? And homework, I don’t miss homework at all.” I say sitting up beside him.

“Yeah. I remember Joshua Caswell always hitting on you outside of Mr. Blu’s office. I would’ve done something but I probably would be stuck in a locker if I did.” Ben says. I laugh and sit up against the wall behind me.

“He was such an ass. I bet you if people from school saw us now, they’d be amazed. Especially by you Benji, you’ve gotten hotter over the last two years.” I say laughing. He lays his head down on my lap and looks up at me.

“One of the many pleasures of having a harness. You know what I miss?” Ben says as I run my fingers through his hair.

“What?” I ask him.

“How when we were little we used to have sleepovers almost every weekend. We used to stay up until 10 just reading comic books and manga books underneath our blanket fort.” Ben says.

“Yeah I miss that too.” I say looking forward.

“Who says we can’t do that now?” Ben says smirking. I give him a confused look and he gets up from my lap and down to the floor. He reaches underneath the bed and pulls out two books.

“I found these in one of the houses in Pope town.” Ben says handing me an Iron Man comic book.

“Iron Man vs. Whiplash? I love this one!” I say taking the Iron Man comic book from his hands.

“I know, and look I got this Naruto one for me.” Ben says smiling. For the rest of the night, we just lie down on the bed and read our comic books together. Just like old times.


            Right now Ben is leading Denny and I to this huge factory he told us about. It’s somewhere far away so of course my legs are the only ones that feel like jelly. The two super soldiers ahead of me are perfectly fine the way they are.

            “Are we almost there?” I whine. Ben leads us up to the top of a cliff and stops.

            “Believe me now?” Ben says as we stop and look down below us. Just as he said, there is a huge factory with steam coming out of it and Mechs and Skitters everywhere.

            “Oh my god.” I say. We kneel down on the ground and pull out our binoculars and cameras to get a closer look at it.

            “Look at all those shiny new Mega-Mechs.” Denny says peering through her binoculars.

            “All waiting in line to gas up, rebel Skitters were right as usual.” Ben says.

            “If those Mechs top off their tanks we’re toast.” I say looking through my own camera.

            “It’s not just that group either; this plant makes all the fuel for all the Mechs and Beamers on the east coast.” Ben says.

            “So they invade our planet but they forget to bring enough fuel.” Denny says.

            “We can’t worry about that. Our only problem right now is the only road in, is guarded by Mechs and they’re all powered up.” Ben says taking pictures.

            “They’ll turn us to road-kill if we try and go that way.” Denny says.

            “Then we’ll go where they won’t expect us. They’re not defending that cliff.” Ben says pointing his camera at the cliff straight across from us.

            “Those tubes must contain the fuel.” I say looking down at the bottom. There are four harnessed kids carrying a single tube and suddenly one of them falls down. A Skitter drags the kid off to the side where there are more bodies.

            “You think it’s the radiation?” Denny asks.

            “That could’ve been us.” Ben barely whispers. I look away from my camera over at the other two who are just staring at the fallen kid. We leave the premises and run all the way back to Charleston to show Tom the pictures we took.

            After we print out the pictures and deliver them and the information to Tom and Weaver, I leave to go find Allie. Just as I walk into Pope town, I see her walking out looking pissed.


So here it is, the next part. I'm so sorry that i never got to post it. Like i said before i didn't have much time nor the proper utensils to finish it. I still don't have all of the things i need but I'm working on it. I'm going to try to post every week as long as I post short parts so i can make it last.

How about 45 votes/comments/reads for part 7?(:

Thank you for reading!

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