Part 1

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            It’s been 7 months since the new alien race, the Volm, have come to earth. At first we weren’t at all sure about them but now we’re fighting right beside them against the Espheni. A lot has changed since then such as Tom becoming president, Hal being paralyzed, the 2nd Mass staying in Charleston, and much more. I could go in to great detail about these topics but right now I’m going on a mission along with some others. So yeah gotta go, bye.


            I peer through the gate where Captain Weaver, Jeanne, and Matt and I are with some binoculars at the mine that a group of soldiers found. There’s a group of harnessed kids and about two Skitters leading them into the mine. A Mech roams about the area guarding them.

            “Dad, it’s Diego!” Jeanne says looking through her own binoculars.

            “What?” Weaver says taking them from her. “Don’t you worry baby bear, we’ll get him home safe and sound.” Weaver says.

            “Matt you ready soldier?” Weaver says.

            “Yes sir.” Matt says. Jeanne and I cut the wires to the fence and Matt climbs through it to set the bombs that the Volm have given us. He is almost noticed by a Mech but luckily isn’t.

            “Come on Matt.” I whisper. Matt runs back towards us and climbs under the fence again.

            “Nice job Matty.” I tell him. He smiles and nods and Weaver pulls out his walkie-talkie.

            “Alpha Alpha, phase one complete. In three, two, one,” Weaver says in it. Matt pulls out the detonator and sets them off. The Mech begins to fall and Weaver urges us to go.

            “Go go go!” He says. We jump up and from behind us, I see Ben and Denny come down from the cliff and kill the two remaining Skitters. Allie and Hal drive up with the truck and we all run forward. I go to Ben and Denny who are directing the group of harnessed kids to the back of the truck.

            “Nice one Benji.” Denny says to Ben.

            “Stop calling me that!” Ben says.

            “Why you love it.” I say.

            “No I hate it.” Ben says. Denny and I laugh and we start to load the kids on to the truck. Jeanne comes over and grabs Diego trying to talk to him.

            “Diego, Diego it’s Jeanne! Do you recognize me?” Jeanne says.

            “Jeanne we have to get him in the truck now.” I tell her. I grab a girl who is falling behind and walk her into the truck. Once she gets on the truck safely, I start to make my way towards Ben but stop when I hear a noise. At the corner of the mine, a pile of rocks begins to move and Mega-Mech comes out from under it. Across from that one, a second does the same.

            The Mega-Mechs begin shooting at us and one shot comes to the ground near me. I fly backwards, almost in to the window of a car behind me. I rub my head and stand up, running towards the others who are taking cover. Once I reach where Matt and Weaver are, I see Allie fly into the air against the truck.

            “Allie!” I scream. I run around the truck, dodging the shots by the Mega-Mechs and right over to Allie.

            “Allie are you alright?” I ask her frantically.

            “I’m fine I’m fine.” She says. I help her sit up and hear what sounds like Skitters behind us. Turning around I see Ben and Denny being attacked by almost half a dozen of Skitters. I look at Allie who nods and run over to Ben who is being pinned down by two Skitters.

            I shoot one down enough for him to stand up and take care of the other one.  Suddenly I hear something behind me and turn around just in time for another one to come running up behind. Quickly taking out my knife, I stab this one right underneath the chin where the soft pallet is.

            It falls and just as another was about to come from behind me, it is pushed away by a rebel Skitter. They must’ve come from the cliff because now they are everywhere, attacking all the other Skitters. One non-rebel Skitter is beating a rebel so I shoot it straight in the head a couple times. It falls down dead and the rebel goes after another one, not even acknowledging my help.

            Finally, all the Skitters are dead and Tom and Cochise, the leader of the Volm, have come and finished off the Mega-Mechs. I try to catch my breath and start to walk over to the truck with Hal on it. Holding my side, I get in the back and Allie, Ben, and Denny follow along behind me.

“Great job everybody let’s say we all go home.” Tom yells to everyone before riding off on his horse with the others.

“Let’s move out.” Weaver yells out. I sit down beside Ben who has blood splattered all along the side of his face and neck.

“Wow, nice job Benji.” I tell him. He rolls his eyes as I kiss his cheek.

“Why do you two call me that?” Ben says to Denny and I. We look at each other and just laugh. Of course we both know that he hates the nickname; I’ve always known. It’s just funny seeing his reaction to it and it’s payback for whenever he calls me Mayflower.


THE FIRST PART OF THE THREEQUEL!!!! (: Let me know what you guys think please? Also share, comment, and vote!

I'm probably going to update about 2-3 times a week so how about 30 likes/comments/shares/reads for Part 2?

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