Sneak Peek

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Josh, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. I wanted to run up and hug you and tell you everything's alright, but I couldn't. It was too much. I want to be with you but I cant. My brain tells me no but my heart tells me yes. I don't know what to do Josh. Help me. Tell Eleanor I'm Okay. Tell her I miss her so fucking much. Tell Tobi everytime I see a snapback or watch a Man United game I think of him. Tell Harry and Riannon to have a future together. Tell Elleina that her and Tobi are what I wanted us to be like. Tell Simon to take Eleanor on all the dates possible. Tell Kaitlyn and Vik to go on holiday and get a break for once in their lives. Tell Amie and Ethan to go snowboarding again. Tell Millie and JJ to stop fucking and actually go on a proper date that doesn't End up with them fucking. Tell Cal to be a great boyfriend to Tara and announce their relationship. Tell Lewis that he needs to find a girlfriend, he's 22 for gods sake! Tell The other Cal to also find a girlfriend after his breakup.

But most of all, Thankyou for being there for me when I was down. Thanks for cuddling me when I needed to be. Thanks for making pointless trips to Tesco for me to get more Dr pepper. Thanks for going to the shops to get my lady products when mother nature decided to show up. Thank you so much for being a great boyfriend.

Lots and lots of Love.

Emma xxx

That's the first text I sent him in 1 1/2 years. I've seen him a few times as he tries to talk to me but I don't let him, it's for the best.


Emma xxx

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