Chapter 18

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{Josh's PoV}

6 months. 6 months without her and I can't bare it. It's the 9th March 2017. She left on the 6th December 2015. (I know it's not been 1 year 6mths and Josh was 23 not 24 shh) I've had on and off relationships but there nothing like what they were with her. Her sweet smile and her uniqe giggle that I scored so much. I miss her. I miss being with her. I miss being able to cuddle and kiss her. I let her have too much freedom and I spent too much time on YouTube. I still love her. I saw her on YouTube, the day she left and she was Ice skating in Nottingham. She was brilliant. I still have her car. I use it everytime I need to. I changed the number plate though. It's now '220315EJ' It's the date we got together. (If anyone reconises the first part of that date I love you) Some fans were happy, others were devastated.

{Emma's PoV}

I miss him. I love him. I want to go back. Morgan and Kennedy had filmed the video of me skating and posted it to YouTube and the video became viral. I changed my hair. It's now back to my normal colour. Dark dark brown, and I cut it to just above my boobs. I only sometimes straighten it but I leave it curly.

Filler chapter I guess

Emma xx

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