Chapter 17

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- 1 Year later -

Me and Josh are getting more and more distant each day. He's so caught up in YouTube and I've just quitted my job. Joel and Caylin decided to stay in London as they loved it so much. Caylin is so smart. She goes to a senior school In London about 20 minutes walk from here. Joel and Caylin moved Into a house together about 5 minutes away from everyone.

Unfortuanaly, my father died last year. That's what Joel and Caylin came here for. I went to to see him before he died with Josh.

I was sat in Elleinas room with Tobi as they had finally got together after mine and Millies amazing skills. Eleanor and Simon are the mose cutest couple ever and his fans ship them so hard. Vik and Kaitlyn are perfect for each other and I'm glad there together. Riannon and Harry had just come up to their 2 year anniversary and might I say it was the cutest thing ever. Ethan and Amie are so alike and suit each other perfectly. I met Cals girlfriend Tara and she is the sweetest ever! Millie and JJ are the weirdest yet best couple in the entire world.

I walked across to Josh's room, listening to make sure he wasn't recording and walked in. Me and Josh announced our relationship about 6 months ago and the fans loved it. A few haters but the haters gotta hate.

"Hey babe" I said as I went to kiss Josh on the lips. He pushed me away as i looked with a confused face.

"Emma can you leave and stop being so damn clingy!" He shouted angrlily as I looked at him shocked. He sighed as I shook my head and walked out.  Tears fell slowly down my face as I knocked on Simon's door, knowing Eleanor was in there.

"Who is it?" Simon's voice said through the door.

"E-Emma" I say sniffling.

I heard feet rushing to the double doors. Eleanor opened the door to see me in tears as she hugged the dear life out of me. I pulled away and ran into there other spare bedroom as Millie had moved into JJ's room. I locked the doors behind me as I heard Eleanor banging on my door. I sat at the desk chair, taking paper out of the printer next to the computer infront of me and started writing letters.

- Few hours later -

It was 3 am as I decided to go to sleep. I sat my alarm for 8am with all the letters by the bed.

- time skip to 8 -

I woke up, placing letters in everyone's room and one in the kitchen. I last one by the door to go to Joel and Caitlyn.
I left the house, walking to the train station and getting on the train I booked to go back to The place I loved.

- Josh's PoV -

I woke up to banging on my door as I rubbed my eyes getting up and greeting the person there.

It happened to be Eleanor, and angry yet sat face staring at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO? YOU MADE HER LEAVE, YOU MADE MY BEST FRIEND LEAVE!" She screamed as she pointed to the letter taped to my computer screen. She left as I picked up the letter that read 'Josh' on the front.

Dear Josh,

We've been drifting apart and it's been killing me. You've been busy with YouTube and stessed and pushed me out. You're less happy and it kills me to see you like that. So that's why I'm leaving. No point coming to find me, I'm out of your hair. Go find a girlfriend that you can love and marry and have the best life possible. You don't need me to be happy, I was just a waste of time. All I want is for you to be happy and me leaving will make it better. You can have my car, I don't need it, just please keep it at least, something to remember me by.
Dont dwell over me, be happy, make your fans happy, mabye it's better for them, for us. We'll see each other again. I promise. Thanks for giving me freedom and love that I needed.

Love your long last Lover

Emma xxx

I dropped the piece of paper in the floor as it slowly sank to the floor. Tears streamed down my face as I collapsed into my gaming chair.

- Eleanors PoV -

Dear Eleanor,

I love you. Me and Josh have been drifting apart and you know that. I left and you know where I am. I'm going back. Not to Australia, to a place where I can be free. Keep on loving Simon. You deserve him and he deserves you. Don't miss me.  Dont worry I'm Okay. I hope one day you'll become married, have children and then be the best mom possible. Tell Joel and Caylin I love them, there's their letters by the door. Carry on YouTube. Don't give up because of me. I won't be gone forever, mabye I'll come back? Who knows. I love you and I always will El.

Love your long lost Sister

Emma xx

My eyes became watery as Simon woke up, reading his own letter as sadness washed over his face as he cradlled me in his arms.

- Third person -

Josh cried to himself as Vik came into his room, holding his own letter Emma had given him. He hugged Josh him not doing anything, just holding the crumpled up paper that he had picked up once again.

Eleanor was furious with Josh but also sad that her best fried had left her. She knew where Emma was but knew she needed to be left alone.

Tobi was tearing up as he read his, Elleina getting angrier at Josh as she read on. Tobi cluched into the hat that Emma custom made for him. A tear fell down his face and onto the hat. Everyone in the house was rather emotinal.

Mostly Josh, Eleanor, Tobi, Elleina and Riannon as they got the closest to Emma.

Harry had delivered the letters to Joel and Caylin. Joel face broke down as he ran to his room as Caylin cried into Harry as they were the closest. Caylin had also been contacting Josh, Harry's younger brother, telling him everything as they both had major crushes on each other. Both Cals got theirs, Callux not that emotinal but still sad as they considered them friends, however the other Cal was in tears, locking himslef in his room as his best friend, basically sister, had left him again. He also knew where she was as they remembered the times they spent there.

Everyone gathered in the kitchen, Even Josh and Eleanor who looked like complete messes but didn't care.

"I know where she is." Eleanor mumbled as all heads perked up.

"Where?" Josh squeaked quietly.

"Nottingham" Eleanor said as Simon asked where it is.

"Near Sheffield, East Midland area" Vik said, knowing as he went there when he was younger.

"She dosent want to be visited, she'll come back in a year or so" Eleanor said more confidently.

"A year!?" Tobi raised his voice, already missing his best friend.

However Emma was allready at the place she wanted to be, putting on her iceskates and entering into a private session at the Natinal Ice Arena in the center of Nottingham. The owner knew her from past experiences as she skated her emotions away to 'Set Fire To The Rain' by Adele.

(Ignore the first part)

Emma already missed home but she New this was for the best.

Now yall probably hate me but hey ho. I skipped it because I have no idea what to do for this book and came up for those this was kinda a filler chapter as I will be slipping more next  chapter.

Emma xx

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