Chapter 15

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"WOOO PARTAAAYYYY!" JJ screamed after way too many drinks.

I just laughed as me and Josh danced drunkly on the dance floor.

"LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Ethan shouted as we, All the sidemen, the girls, calfreezy, callux, Joe Weller, Joe Sugg, Josh Pieters, Caspar Lee, Connor and Jack Maynard who I had all met today.

"Tobi, Truth or dare?" I asked, smirking.

"Umm. Dare!" He said as I smirked an even bigger smirk.

"Kiss the hottest girl in the room in the lips for 3 seconds" I replied as I saw him go wide eyed

He shuffled over to Elleina, kissing her on the lips, her kissing back. The good thing is that they were both Sober.

The pulled apart blushing as Tobi shuffled back into his place.


The game carried on, a very drunk Eleanor and Simon doing 7 minutes in heaven... if you know what I mean, me giving Josh a lap dance, Riannon and Kaitlyn kissing each other, JJ, Millie and Amie had to run around outside like chickens and much more shit happened.

Everyone apart from Elleina, Tobi and Vik where drunk out of there minds. We had somehow made it into my room, sitting in it and doing drunk things, like JJ Fighting with my mini fridge next to my bed, thinking it was Freezy, Eleanor searching my wardrobe, trying to find Narnia, Harry having a thumb war with himself, Joe and Casper where having a fight over who had the best mole and Simon was reading children's pop up books that he had managed to find, screaming every time something popped up at him.

We all soon tell asleep, me and Josh cuddled together in my bed, Ethan and Amie were on the couch in the corner, Tobi and Elleina were lying with pillows in the floor, Casper had ended up on the end of my bed, Joe, Josh (P), Connor and Jack had made it downstairs, sleeping on the couches, Millie as JJ were lying in each other on the Kitchen counter, Harry and Riannon where spooning, leaning against a big fluffy bear, that my brother got me, in the corner of my room, Kaitlyn and Vik were sleeping on the floor and Simon and Eleanor had ended up sleeping in my walk-in wardrobe.


I woke up with the most annoying hedache in the inter fucking universe. I untangled myself from Josh, who woke up, holding his head in agony. I looked over to see tablets and water next to everyone and thanked the person who did it in my mind, probably Elleina and Tobi.  Talking of them, me and Josh walked downstairs as Elleina and Tobi where sat on the sofa, Tobis arm around her, Elleina leaning into him. I saw Vik Finnish the cleanin off as a sleepy, hungover Millie and JJ woke up, JJ nearly falling off the counter. Many people woke up and some left. It was just the girls, the sidemen and the Cals.

We bantered about, chatting and posting weird photos on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter.

Sorry for it being so late and short, I'm having a minor writers block. If any of y'all have any ideas for this book please message me. In working in a new book and a new book on mine and Eleanors Joint Account @SideHoes_Elma

Thanks for reading

Emma xx

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