Chapter 32 - Goodbye

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Chapter 32


This is not goodbye.

Not in one bit.

Hell no.

This bullshit mess needs to end. Right now.


I don't know what kind of daemon you are but are not my father. The Myeongdo that I know is an honorable daemon. You may look like him but you will never be him and you'll pay for using him in this chaos.

Princess Mia.

I don't need Luhan's abilities to know what you're thinking. You're digging through behind all of these, I'm sure of it. I know you're working on some kind of plan to bring him down, risking even your own life and I salute you for that. Even without the crown, you're already my queen.


Not just fellow Guardians but my brothers.

My family.

We're all in this together. Fate has brought us to become one and as one, we fight to death. For peace. For glory. For victory.


Annoying human. What have you done to me? I'm a daemon and you're a human. How can you have power over me? I had never thought a clumsy human who doesn't even know how to swim would have this pull on me. I don't know how your gravity works but I can't really complain because after all, you are my annoying human.

Forgive me for not saying goodbye before leaving. Please understand that I can never say goodbye. Not to you. No. Because this is not goodbye. This is just a phase.

A phase for me to deal with everything that I needed to do to save both of our worlds.

I wonder what you're doing right now. I bet you're reading some novels again or hanging with your roommate. If you're ogling over those petty humans you call 'idols', I'll forgive you. I can deal with that just please ....please don't cry.

I know you're in pain. I can feel it.

Please. Don't. Please.

See, you really are a pain in my ass. Here I am, about to go on the most important battle in my life but all I can think about is you. Your eyes, your cute nose, your burning cheeks, your soft hair, your scent, your warmth and that smile that you only give to me.

Just hang in there. The last chapter of this dark era will see its end, I'll make sure of it.

Wait for me, Krystal.


He doesn't need to look up to see who invaded his thoughts.

Focus, bro.

I am focus. I've never been focused my entire life.

Good. Clear your mind, we have a battle to face.

You don't need to remind me.

Kai clenches his fists. Straight ahead, the enemies are marching towards them. He can already see the masked daemon behind all of these. There's only one goal in his mind right now and that it to destroy him.

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