Chapter 23 - The Doc Is Back

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Chapter 23

The Doc Is Back

Hey guys! I'm switching the POINT OF VIEW from now on. I find it hard to continue writing it in just one perspective. Right now I'm in the middle of writing a SoEul fanfic and I'm doing it like this and I find it more appealing with this style. Sorry for the changes. I wasn't contented with the pass chapters because of this pov thing. I'm sorry for that. At least now I can write more with ease. Maybe now I can update every night like I used to. Lots of love, Kaistals!

Let me know what you think. :)

Oh, and here's a picture of our resident daemon doctor. I'm not really a fan of him but believe it or not he's my mom's ultimate bias. That may sound weird but it actually is not. Lol.

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"I know how to get your friends back."

The door opens, surprising them all. It appears a storm had started outside but the man -or daemon rather, is not affected one bit.

"Krystal is right." he said in is calm, knowing voice.

"Dr. Leeteuk!" Krystal exclaims. It had almost been a month since the school doctor had gone on his mysterious quest.

"I got your message." he tossed a gray oblong-shaped rock to Kyungsoo who caught it with his right hand. He enters the house and closes the door behind him, shutting the noise of the storm out.

"What do you mean Krystal is right?" Lay asks.

"Krystal's immunity still strikes me with uncertainties especially after that mysterious dream of hers so to have answers I journeyed back to Daemon Castle." Krystal has begin to notice the small cuts he has on his arms and his naturally properly groomed hair is a little disheveled. Did he get himself into a fight?

Princess Mia gasped upon hearing this news. "You went back to the palace?" her eyes were tinted with sadness and shock.

Dr. Leeteuk sighed. "Yes Princess, but I'm sorry to give the news that it is not how it used to be. Hades had turned the palace into his dark lair."

Two fat tears falls down her eyes. It is not the first time Krystal had seen her cry. Sometimes Princess Mia would cry in the middle of the night and the Guardians would not know what to do to her, resulting for a midnight visit of Kai to her dorm room and taking her to the princess to calm her down. She had always been her comfort.

"I'm very sorry." Dr. Leeteuk walk over to the Princess and assisted her to sit down at his couch. "I only managed to get inside without suspicion by disguising myself as a malevolence."

"Did you fin out anything?" Krystal asks in a whisper. It would be an understatement to say that she's eager to know anything about her immunity. She's curious to know, yes, but she's also scared.

Dr. Leeteuk surprises her by looking up at her with a hint of mischievousness. "Which one do you wanna hear first? The good news or the bad news?"

"We don't have time for games, Leeteuk." says a still furious Chanyeol. He still had his hands balled up and his clothes are still smoking.

"Always the temperamental, my young Chanyeol." Dr. Leeteuk chuckles.

Chanyeol's about to argue but Kai quickly stepped forward before another argument would occur. "What's the bad news?"

"I failed to collect any information regarding human immunes."

There was a pause as if waiting for Dr. Leeteuk to drop the bomb. But he didn't, although Krystal didn't fail to notice his slight grin. He's quite taking it nicely for someone who worked so hard but resulted in vain, she thought.

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