Chapter 1 - New School, New Life

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Chapter 1

New School, New Life

The man with round glasses walked over to me. "You must be Ms. Jung. Welcome to Brakenreid High School." he looked down at my things. "Is this all you got?"

I nodded. He must be used on seeing students with numerous luggage.

"No worries. Let me call someone to help you with your things."

"It's okay, I can manage." I run back to my things and grabbed my luggage and started going up the stairs.

"Here I can take that." he offered calmly.

But he didn't wait for my response. He took my luggage and he carried it with ease.

I mumbled a 'thanks' as he put it down when we reached the doors.

He turned to me and smiles. "I'm Mr. Park." he extended his hand. I shook it. "I'm the school Principal."

My eyes widen. Wow. A personal welcome from the Principal himself.

Mr. Park laughed at my reaction.

"I will give you a tour around the school and then I will lead you to your dorm so you can settle in."

The school has only three buildings. One is the school itself and two for the dormitories. Mr. Park helped me with my papers then gave me my room keys. He bid me goodbye as I enter my floor.

I took a deep breath before turning the key to my door. Mr. Park told me two students shares a room. I've never been good with making friends. Throughout the entire tour, meeting my new roommate is the one I'm not looking forward to.

After a million years, I turn the key and opens the door.

The first thing I saw is the back of a guy seating at one of the study table. He got headphones in his ears so he must have not heard me entering.

Whoa! Hold up!

My roommate is a boy?!

I run back outside. Rm 124. I'm at the right room number. Does that mean that boy is really my roommate? What kind of sick school is this?!

"Oh! You must be my new roommate."

I look back inside; the boy is now standing facing me as he tries to pick up some of his stuff on the floor. He's smiling to me sheepishly.

"I'm Amber by the way. Liu Amber."


My eyes drifted from his face to the small bumps he got on his chest.


I chuckled to myself.

"Is there something funny in my name?" I turn my eyes back to her eyes. She looked offended.

"Oh no, I just ...remembered something. I'm Jung Krystal. Nice to meet you." I went back inside, pulling my luggage with me.

"Oh..kay. So... this is my side of the room and that's your." she pointed at the empty bed at the right side.

I walk over to it and sat down. Surprisingly it feels nice.

"Please tell me you will not decorate this room with girly stuff." Amber said with pleading eyes as she sits back in front of her laptop.

I smiled at her. "I don't even own a skirt."

"Yes!" she screams, raising her arms up.

"Thank you Lord for giving me a decent roommate. You really love me."

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