Chapter 8 - Nine Daemons and A Human

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Chapter 8

Nine Daemons and A Human

I look to my left and right. The coast is clear.

Even from the sea of students, which are mostly male I might add, I can tell if he's among them. His height and physical features are very distinguishable. And also, his caramel skin is a standout to the common pale ones.

With a huge sigh of relief, I went out of the classroom and started running towards the stairs.

My Biology class just ended (one of my few classes that are Kai free) and lunch period just started. It's been three days since Kai and I were always together. The whole school took the liberty of proclaiming us as the new it couple. I've tried explaining that we are not but my excuse of 'we're just friends' are not really the most convincing words there is.

I'm running to get to the library to escape him. I already packed my bag with food, I'm just gonna eat at the corner in the library, away from Mrs. Lee's eyes.

I took a short cut at the hall near the garden. I was running as fast as I can while looking at my back when I bumped into someone. I landed on my butt while the person I collided with is still in their feet.

"Sorry I didn't see you I was..."

I stopped mid-sentence as I stare at his feet. Or rather, hooves.

Slowly I lift my eyes to look up at him.

A half human half bull in school uniform is extending his hand at me. I have to remember to breath as I close my mouth and swallowed hard.

I get up on my own. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. It's taking all of me not to scream.

"Sorry." he said. His deep voice echoing at the empty hall. "I didn't see you as well, I was looking for ...." his head turn to his left, his nose sniffing something.

Oh god! He's looking for them!

I saw some weird markings on his neck, just lower of his ears.

"I have to go." I said and I didn't wait for his response. I went back to the stairs and when he can't see me anymore I broke into a run.


He's looking for them! He's going after them!

I need to find them quick!

Kai! Oh my god, I left him alone! If that daemon got to him first I won't be able to forgive myself.

I was running in full speed again, this time faster than I think I can ever do. I turn right to get to the cafeteria when I bumped into someone again.

But before I landed on my butt for the second time, a pair of strong firm arms caught me.

"Where the hell have you been?!"


"Didn't I tell you to wait for me at the classroom?!"

"Kai I saw a daemon!"

His eyes widen. "A daemon? Where?"

"Ground floor near the garden. He's looking for you!"

"How did you know?"

"I bumped into him and he apologized because he didn't see me coming because he said he's busy looking for someone."

"Are you sure he's a daemon?"

"Well if he is not then he must be the ugliest human alive. And I saw those marking you have in his neck."

"Alright. Go back to class I'll handle this." he said. He let go of me and was about to leave when I stopped him.

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