Chapter 19 - Daemon on Ice

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Chapter 19

Daemon on Ice

I salute her efforts as she tries her best to avoid me like a plague.

It's not working though, with Suho constantly reminding us to be together and the fact that we're staying in one roof, no matter how huge Leeteuk's mansion may be, it's really impossible for us not to see each other.

It was awkward for the most part of our first encounter after that night. I didn't talk much but that's not new, Xiumin, Kyungsoo and I are the most quiet ones among us. She on the other hand will find a way to leave the room whenever I'm present. She's too obvious its' hilarious.

In her efforts to avoid me, she had played chess with our leader, I didn't know she's good at it but we were surprised when she almost beat Suho -the best chess player I have ever known. Suho proclaims checkmate but it was a close call. Everyday she wants a rematch.

"She used to compete at our school before." Baekhyun shares to us the first time we saw them playing.

So, that little human is pretty good at strategies, huh.

Everyday she will join Kyungsoo at the kitchen doing whatever he's concocting there. I don't even know why he's cooking, we don't need human food. Sometimes that daemon is so weird.

She had spent some of her time at the library as well. Reading books after books. Lay dominates the use of Leeteuk's library but now he had a competition. He once mentioned that our little human boarder loves books. No kidding.

And by some miracle, she had managed to persuade the hotheaded Chanyeol to play board games with her. You wouldn't want to play against Chanyeol on any kind of game or else it would be the last time you can play the said game. When he loses, he sets fire on the first thing he sees which in most cases it's the board game but when he wins, his excitement can set the things around him in flames. He had once set Leeteuk's 100-year-old lampshade into fire.

But with her immunity, she's the first one to successfully save Leeteuk's new Monopoly set.

Her ability is somehow getting into good use as well with the others. Sehun, Baekhyun and Chen can now play human sports fairly. Although, her poor mind and body coordination makes whichever team she belongs to on a guaranteed losing side.

She spends her whole day and night in the company of daemons but she's still keen on avoiding me and even Xiumin for some reasons.

After that day, Xiumin had been consistently giving her obvious playful grins which she didn't fail to notice and those red tints will appear on her cheeks again.

Not that I keep track of what she's doing but the happiness radiating from her is hard to ignore.

I entered the kitchen quietly, I heard them laughing. She and Kyungsoo are standing beside the island counter. Kyungsoo's holding a mixing tool in one hand and a bowl on the other. They look up at me and instantly her smile freezes and she quickly turn her gaze away.

Can she be more obvious?

Kyungsoo continued mixing that thick blood-like substance on the bowl as I walk towards the sink counter, grabbed a glass and fills it with water.

"Uh, Kyungsoo, I uh, I'm just gonna check on Princess Mia, okay."

"But I thought you want to learn how to make the sauce?"

"Yeah, I do, I'll just check if she's sleeping then I'll come back later." She's out of the kitchen even before finishing her sentence.

I smirk through my drink. She's indeed my entertainment.

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