Viktor x Yuuri

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I had this amazing idea while trying to sleep last night.

Trigger warning: Mention of depression and anxiety

Anime: Yuri!!! On Ice
Yuuri hasn't been acting the same. Viktor noticed this several weeks after the Grand Prix. Yuuri has started, not being his happy self. When ever Viktor would ask him about it, Yuuri would just smile and say "I'm fine."
Viktor knew he wasn't. Some days, Yuuri will just sit on the couch and stare out the window. Makkachin would climb up next to him, trying to get his attention, but Yuuri would still be looking out the window.
It was starting to scare Viktor.
Another day of practice. Yuuri was skating on the ice, Viktor stood next to the wall where Yurio was on the other side.
"Hey, what's wrong with him?" Yurio asked.
"I don't know he won't talk to me." Viktor pouted.
"Get him to talk to you."
"How?" Yurio shrugged his shoulders.
"Tch. Taking advice from a 15 year old." Viktor grumbled and turned back to his fiancee, who was still skating.

The truth is, Yuuri doesn't want to talk to Viktor, he's scared. He's scared that Viktor will leave him. His depression and anxiety had caught up to him in the past couple of weeks. He's honestly terrified.
Yuuri was so caught up in his thoughts, when he goes to do a flip, he falls and hurts his ankle, making him cry out in pain.
"Yuuri!" Viktor practically yelled, skating over to Yuuri.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He franticly asked.
"I hurt my ankle." Yuuri whimpered out.
"Luckily it's not broken, just sprained. Stay off of it for a few days, put ice on it and you'll be fine." The doctor said, and packed up his stuff, and left.
"Okay, Yuuri what's wrong?" Viktor asked, sitting next to Yuuri on the couch.
"I hurt my ankle?" Yuuri said, sounding more like a question that an answer.
"No not that. What's wrong with you for the past couple of weeks?"
Yuuri looked anywhere but at Viktor.
"Come one Yuuri. Tell me what's wrong. I'm worried."
Yuuri broke down.
"I'm sorry. My depression and anxiety has gotten so bad. I'm scared. Not of that, but of you leaving." Yuuri sobbed out. Viktor quickly pulled him into a hug.
"No, no don't cry. It's okay. You should know I would never, ever leave you okay?"
"Okay." For the first time in weeks, Yuuri smiled, a real smile.
Ugh this is horrible, I'm not good at writing this type of stuff, but the idea so much (╥﹏╥)

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