Sebastian Michaelis

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This was a request for ChrolloLucilifer.
Hope you enjoy!
Anime: Black Butler
You let out a quiet sigh. Man cleaning the kitchen was not a fun chore. But you didn't exactly have a choice as Sebastian ordered you to do it, as Bardroy tried to cook using a flam thrower (again). Not that you had a problem cleaning it. You were used to cleaning up after him. Plus you didn't have a choice (I just said that.) As being a maid for the Phantomhive manor you did what you were told.
The only problem is that Sebastian was also in the room. He wasn't bothering you, no, not on purpose at least. He was minding his own business making dinner for Ciel, as Bardroy had ruined it, but you were so distracted by him. You couldn't help it.
You would find your self looking up from the counter you were scrubbing just to get a glance at him. It's not like you had a crush on him. Ok that's a total lie, you were practically in love with the man. You tried to push away your feelings for the longest time as you both worked for the same Earl you didn't think he would allow it. But you couldn't help but fall for the devilishly handsome man.
"Miss (Y/N) are you alright? You keep getting distracted." Sebastian's deep voice broke you out of your thoughts.
"Huh oh yes I'm fine. Also how many times have I told you to just call me (Y/N)." You said, turning to face him.
"Ok (Y/N) go take a break. You've been at it for a while. I'll get Mey-Rin to take care of the rest." He said also turning to face you.
"Oh don't worry about it, I've got it."
"Please (Y/N) go on." Sebastian persisted. You finally sighed.
"Fine I'll go. I'll be in the garden if you need me." You called over your shoulder.
You took a deep breath, breathing in the flowery sent. You sat in the middle of many flowers admiring the beauty of the garden.
Finny is so good at gardening. You thought as you brushed your fingers over a rose petal. Roses were always your favorite.
As you reached out to one a faint meow stopped you. You looked around for the source of the sound, not finding anything you shrugged it off thinking it was your imagination.
Then you heard it again. You stopped, listening to the wind to try and find the source. You heard it again making you turn around to see a small black kitten crawl out from under a rose bush.
"Aww come here little guy. Or girl." You said scooping the kitten up when it neared you.You were so distracted by the kitten you didn't hear Sebastian walk up behind you.
"What do you have in your hands?" You jumped at his voice then relaxed when you relized it was him.
"Oh Sebastian you startled me. But look I found a kitten." You said showing him the kitten, knowing his love for cats. His red eyes lit up and took the kitten from your hands.
"Oh such a gorgeous little kitten. Not as gorgeous as you of course." He said causally.
"W-what?" You said, a blush spreading on your cheeks.
"I said your gorgeous. Have I said something wrong?" He said with a innocent look.
"Sebastian I know you still don't understand humans that well, but you only say thoses things to some one you love." You studdered out.
"But I do love you." He said now looking at you.
"Y-you d-do?" You asked, your whole face bright red.
"Yes I do. Don't believe me?" He asked setting the kitten down and got closer to your face.
"Well of course I do." You said, not able to look away from his eyes.
"I'll still prove it to you." He suddenly crashed his lips to yours. You stood in shock for a few seconds then kissed back.
"And with that you just proved you love me too." He said when he pulled back. He then picked back up the kitten, stood up and held out a hand to you.
"Let's head back in side, shall we?" You nodded and took his hand.
A start to a new relationship.
Finally i new Sebastian one. I've been wanting to write another one anyway since the last one sucked ass. But to the requester I hope you liked your Sebastian request ^_^

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