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A/N: Okay you guys might like me for this.

Louis' P.O.V

My eyes darted back and forth the notification. I was now racking my brains and trying to figure out exactly how to react to this news. Lottie, my sister or some random Lottie has accepted my friend request and I am still not celebrating. Am I going crazy right now? Because I am one step closer to getting in touch with my family and I am not happy.

I was the one who actually ran away and abandoned them when they needed me the most. This is wrong. I shouldn't be just trying to contact them after not speaking for almost 10 years. If I can have a life set here in America then they probably do too back in Brittain.

Shaking the thoughts (A/N: thots. k I'm done.) out of my head, I head to my office and grabbed my belongings. As I was leaving the studio, Liam pops his head out of the booth.

"Headin' out?" I nod and toss him the keys to the studio.

"Care to lock up man? I have to go and check up on Ishita," I ask him and he smiles.

"Yeah. Tell her I said hi," I don't bother replying him and walk towards the parking lot. Before driving, I decide to call home and let Ishita know that I was bringing dinner.

Hi, you have reached Ishita and Louis' place. I laugh as we both spoke on the answering machine. If you are unable to reach us then that means that we are most likely busy or that we are just avoiding you. Leave a message muah. A wide grin is placed on my lips as I picture the day I and Ishita practiced reciting the voicemail.

I snap out of my thoughts (A/N: thots whoops sowwy) when I hear the long beep. Clearing my throat, I begin speaking, "Hey, love. I am coming home early and bringing Chinese. Don't bother cooking anything. See you soon, love you."

I set my phone aside and blast on the radio. The drive to Chang's hut was smooth. There was not much traffic and the weather was just alright.

"Ah Louis, back again?" Leon, the manager leads me in. He suspiciously looks behind me.

"Hey! Where is Ishita?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows and I laugh.

"She is at home. I am just here to fetch some take out. Can I get our usual?" I ask and pull out thirty bucks from my wallet.

"Oh okay. How many fortune cookies do you want? We have a fresh batch come in right now," he asked and pulled out his notepad and wrote my order down. I never really ordered fortune cookies. That was more of Ishita's thing.

"5 please," I mutter and hand him the money. Leon must have noticed my discomfort and grabbed my arm to capture my attention. In a low voice, he asked "Hey you okay? What's the matter? If Ishita said something then let it go, man. She is pregnant."

I smiled, "No she did not say anything. M' just stressed." I slowly pulled my arm out of his grasp and it fell to my side.

Leon nodded and ran to the kitchen leaving me at the counter stuffed in my thoughts. I pull out my phone and take a look at the notification.

Biting my lip, I open the notification and stare at the white circle that was moving. I patiently waited for it to load and once it did, I swear I yelled out Eureka.

I scrolled through her profile and I was confirmed that this, in fact, was the Lottie Tomlinson. I saw a green dot next to her name which showed that she was online.

I hesitantly shot her a small hi. As I was waiting for her to reply, Leon came back with the food and passed it to me.
"Don't forget to check your fortune," he said with a creepy smile and I felt sexually violated for a second.
I slowly nodded and ran off to my car without muttering another word.

My phone binged and I guessed she replied. I pulled it out and saw that it was Ishita.


I just heard the voicemail. When are you reaching?

I typed back a reply as soon as possible.

About ten minutes. You can leave the door unlocked. I don't need you to walk all the way downstairs babe.

🌚I'm pregnant.. not dying.

Just- please?🙄

Fine. Ly❤️


Despite being extremely exhausted, I was still giddy about the fact that I got in touch with Lottie. I exited the messaging app and opened up facebook. Skimming over her profile, my face sank as I saw that she was no longer online. Sighing, I connected my phone to my car via Bluetooth and blasted some music. 

As I pulled into my driveway, a sick feeling came over to me as if something bad was about to happen but I shrugged it off. Carrying the food in both my hands, I somehow managed to open the front door.

I was stunned when Ishita came running to me. She should not be running! Is she mad or what?

"Ishita-" she ripped one of the bags that I was holding out of my hands and dragged me across the entrance into our living room. She whipped her head around and looked at me with pleading eyes. 

"Ishita, what is going on?" I asked cautiously. She held up a finger in front of my face and cleared her throat. 

"Don't be mad. She gave me the wrong date!" I scoffed in confusion and set the bags down on the dining table. 

"Ishita," I said her name which seemed like the third time, "would you just stop speaking in codes? Who is here?"

And as I continued to shuffle around the room and setting up the table for dinner, I heard someone clear their throat. I assumed it was Ishita so I walked reached over and grabbed a glass from the glass stand we have on our table and the water jug. I filled it up and turned around to pass it to Ishita. 

"Here," I motioned the glass towards her. 

"She doesn't need water. I do," An old lady spoke from our couches and my eyes widened. 

"A-But-you," I tried to form a word but obviously failed since the lady walked over to Ishita and rested her hand on her swollen belly.

She snatched the glass out of my hands, spilling a little in the process and took a sip. I gulped in fear as she gave me the look. I finally looked at Ishita who was trying to tell me something by moving her eyes. I furrowed my brows trying to decipher what the hell she was saying. I finally realized that she was asking me to greet her mother. 

I pushed my hand towards her but then pulled it back. Thinking that I need to make a good impression, I decided to do what I saw someone in a Bollywood doing once. Instead of shaking her hand, I joined my hands and bowed down for a second and as I came back up again, I saw Ishita looking at me like I had four heads. 

Smiling, I spoke "Namaste," and Ishita slapped her forehead. 


But that ending tho.

I am super sorry for not updating earlier but (and I am not promising) I will try to update for y'all this Friday. 

Oh and do you guys like the new cover? Tell me!

10 votes and 10 comments for an update.


xoxo, I

The fall {sequel of 16 days} louis tomlinson a.u. ✊🏾COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now