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This is all made up so if you are the supernatural police you can skip this chapter hahA!

The Lost City of Aenon

The Lost City of Aenon is a huge conspiracy, is it a fallen ancient city? Was it built underwater? Were there mermaids that habited the place? The world may never know, right before the city disappears we had some people go down to investigate. It's no conspiracy that inhumane things took place there, and there were bodies to show that clearly. But what wasn't clear was the Prophecy of Aenon, many people have theories.

Aenon was the god of the sea, he had created all of the sea creatures. His favorite were the merfolk, he had raised most of them but when he got older he slowed down some. He had a Supernatural sickness that made him weak and no longer immortal. He had respawned himself with a mermaid in each kingdom in the sea before he died. Thousands of years later his offspring slowly died out or had not gotten his powers. The two main kingdoms that had Aenon's offspring were of course the City of Aenon and their neighboring city of Exonia. The Queen of Aenon had recreated with the king of Exonia unwillingly, she had raised the baby boy on her own not letting him ever see him. When the boy got older his mother took him to the human beach a lot, he had always been fascinated with the land and she wanted to make him happy. Although they were careful about being seen she couldn't leave her heroic side back when she had seen a man getting jumped. When it was safe she had helped the man and healed him, but when he saw that she had a tail, but he wasn't freaked out. They had fallen in love with a human, she had made trips without her son to the shore to go on dates.

She was mortified when she found out she was pregnant with a Humans baby, that had never been heard of before. With love she had cut off all ties with the man and helped him go into hiding, when the king of Exonia found out he would for sure kill the man.

When the other baby boy was born he was one of the most powerful beings in the sea, passing way over the first-borns power. This made the first born extremely jealous and rebellious, he had forbidden the kingdom when he got older in an attempt to live a life on land. His petty attempts had angered the kingdom of Aenon and they had tainted his tail as punishment and threw him in jail for treason. Although we don't know what he did we can suspect it was really bad. The second born had to be taken out of the city when it was under attack, it saved him but not the kingdom. The first born had taken his revenge on the kingdom and intended to do the same for his brother when he finds him.

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