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3 Days Later
Stiles POV

It's been a couple days since I've had my tail back, it's been a wave of emotions. I guess since I haven't really swam as much as I did a couple nights ago, so I wore myself out. "Hey buddy... wake up," Scott gently woke me up, I've been sleeping in his bed with him cause I've been having nightmares. I look at the clock "S-sorry..." it's 2 in the afternoon, "it's ok, you've been sleep deprived for like 2 weeks. Get dressed, I want to go eat," he scratched the back of his neck, I nodded and then went into my room and got dressed.

I threw on some sweatpants and a hoodie, "So where do you wanna eat?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I grab my keys "I'm driving," he told me and I nodded studying him, "Are you mad at me?" I asked and he quickly shook his head. "Come on, I'll drive us to the diner," he told me and I got in the jeep.

I stared out of the window noticing that it was looking like it was going to storm, "I hope it doesn't rain..." I said shifting in my seat. The pack and I gathered that if water touched me, my tail forms... which forming legs back is so uncomfortable by the way. "Scott this isn't the way to the diner?" I said confused and he looked at me guiltily, I look and we're pulling into the parking lot of Deaton's office. "Do you have to pick up something?" I asked him, "I-I'm sorry, Derek is making me do this," he said to me looking like it was affecting him.

I look down at my feet "D-do I have to? It makes me really uncomfortable when people stare at it... and it hurts when I form legs again," I give him puppy dog eyes but he hasn't budging. We get out of the jeep and walk in, Deaton seemed surprised to see us "Hey boys," he smiled. I looked at Scott, "We need to talk to you, Stiles wants to show you something," he said and I look down at my feet. He looks at me "It doesn't look like he wants to show me... it's fine if you don't want to Stiles," He said soothingly, "J-just lock the doors," I rub my forearm awkwardly. He nodded and before he locked the back door Derek ran in.

They all turn to face me "Are you sure you want to show me? Or are they making you?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I know he can probably help me and he will probably know a lot about mermaids. I couldn't form words so I look down to see a dog bowl of water and dog food, I sit down so I don't fall over and stick my hand in the bowl of water. I moan uncomfortably when my legs fuse together, but shortly after my tail is there. "Woah..." Deaton said with wide eyes and I avoid eye contact, Derek and Scott look at each other and come over. The get on each side of me and pick me up sitting me on the table.

"Stiles is a mermaid, he as always been but he lied to us until a couple days ago," Scott said "merman..." I mutter under my breath. "As he should have... you're a very smart boy, even if you didn't mean to be smart," Deaton told me and we all looked at him confused. "Mermaid are endangered... there's probably like 250 left," Deaton told me and I become scared, Derek squeezes my hand "I won't let anything happen to you, neither will the pack," he told me and Scott agreed. "May I?" He wanted to touch my tail and I nodded, he lifted my tail up with the help from me, eyeing it fascinated.

"Stiles you don't know how careful you need to be..." he began to tell me but saw that I was terrified, "Y-you need to tell me, I can handle it," I told him. "Do you know what your tail means?" He asked me and I shook my head, "It means you are a descent of royalty, and reflects a sapphire color which means your very powerful," he told me. "Royalty? Me? My parents and I live with the normal merfolk, and then I was placed in foster homes," I said and they looked at me with sympathy. "You might have false memories... if you really focus you can determine if there where memories planted in your mind or not," he informed me, "Yeah... he knows about that all too well," Scott muttered and I fold my tail up hugging it. "H-how powerful am I?" I asked, "Most merfolk with magic has a regular iridescent reflection to their tails, but you have a sapphire one. It means that you spent a long time traveling in the deep sea, which is the place you can pick up powers easily when you're young. As for your born powers, you can control nature," he told me.

"Do mermaids have mates?" Derek asked and I looked up to him, "They can... but they are very alluring, that's why they get mixed up with the legends of sirens," he told Derek. "Oh... well my wolf is telling me Stiles is my mate," he told Deaton and Scott looked at us with a confused look. "How do mermaids even mate?" He asked not even shyly, I covered my face "Dude ew... don't talk about that around me, he's like my brother," Scott plugged his ears and I smiled that he hasn't totally disowned me. Deaton chuckled going into another room, "Here, I have a mermaid book, they are actually my favorite supernatural," he said. "I can make you something to help you with shifting, but until then would you like me to help you with your powers?" He asked and I nodded smiling. "Great... Be careful Stiles, ok? You're worth a lot," he told me, "Thank you," I told him and hugged him.

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