Chapter 11: Meeting

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The next day, i woke up looking like a wet dog. I went to check my phone and surprise, surprise 7 texts from Lion and 5 from Alex not to forget 2 calls from Alex.I mean i could check them out orrr ignore them.....Well ignore it is, rather not know. Getting dressed i went to the kitchen to feed my insane stomach. Thank god my mom cooked something.I would have probably died.

At school i didn't die which is very good. Those tests did some mental damage,but nothing that time couldn't heal. In the fighting class i did my best to avoid Alex. Something tells me he's mad at me for ignoring him and Lion.

I was about to walk out until a hand stopped me. Oo helll nahhhh I'm not getting molested by a sexy god today."Wrong person leave me be"   "Diana, there's no time for joks" Yes it is, might even make one now. "Knock knock"  "Im serious"  well I'm not. "And i don't care'Why do i have to  be bother."Alex just leave her alone" Great there's more. I looked at Danny with a annoyed look on my face. Honestly if he gets Alex to leave ill be really happy."Piss off rouge"Alex growl at Danny. FUCKING FANTASTIC  who else is a werewolf, let me guess Alice and Vlad too. Why can't i live a normal life with a satanic math teacher. "Diana we have a meeting" He just picked me up without my permission. This little motherfucker. I told him to put me down a couple a times ,but then got bored and stared at Alex's sexy ass. A beautiful view, can't lie.It took him max 20 minutes to get to the pack house. About 4 new cars we're parked in front of the house. Guests..even better.
When we went inside he finally put me down.Do i have choice even.We walked in the living room and there stood 6 more sex gods.  Is anyone ugly?Like really am i the only potato here? "Finally you here, let's start" Bossy much? I casually sat down with a bored look.Let the sex gods talk Diana. "We have an idea how we could find out about this curse. Said one of the guys with red hair. Im guessing all these guys are leaders from there pack. "Well"   "We need a witch, That's the only way we can find the answer" Now there's witches, fan-fucking-tastic."There's only one problem"  Oh COME ONE get the point,i have ice cream to eat at home. "And that is? " Alex asked. "All the witches are in 'Monar', and we never had a reason to go there  soooo we can't really go there" Wait what "Why not? "i couldn't shut my self up im curious. "Because Diana, we just don't have a reason, werewolfs has nothing to do there.Vampires are usually the creatures that have to travel there, because it becomes suspicious to humans why don't they age" Answerd a guy with blond hair. How the hell does he know my name!! "So we need a vampire to get there, great" Alex said. Oh right vampires and werewolfs aren't on friendly terms. "That means Al can teleport there" That monkey...i remember clearly asking her if she knew how to get there.She lies, she said she couldn't. "Who's Al!!" Wow jealous much. "The girl that you chased in the forest" The red haired guy clapped his hands and said "Ask her to come here, tell her it's important" Alright jezz why is everyone so bossy today. "Al,  can you come to Alex's packs house it's important"  1 minute later "important my ass, I'm not going anywhere"    "Just get you're ass over here" "If they eat me I'm blaming you " "she's coming" and the next 20 minutes were just awkward. Bunch of strangers in one room that's a great idea."I'm here what do you dogs want" Leave it to Al to be super polite. "Nice of you to show, we need you to help us" This should be interesting. "Well im listening" hummed Al. We need you to help us get to 'Monar' to talk to a witch" Al just started laughing like a drunk cow. "Help YOU, haa like hell I'm going to help you dogs" She's on fire, wow that shade. "No offense, but why would i help you really tell me" No one said anything only silence. "Diana, help us out" Oh no you are not dragging me in this. "Piss off"   "I would have to agree" Al really shut up.  "Please, this is a life and death situation"Alex was begging now.  "So was when you were chasing me" Am i watching Kardashians , because this shade is killings me. "What's in it for me". "We will pay you"  "How much?" "500"  "Deal"That was fast "But i will only bring Diana"   "Are you crazy, She'll get killed!!!!" Alex screamd in rage  "Calm you're hormones, She'll live i can teleport us straight to the witch" Now I'm going to meet a witch, what the hell,  do i get a choice?"Alex we don't care as long as we get a cure, a lot more people are rotting away each day" said the guy with red hair. Al sight "Whatever, were  going tomorrow" Before anyone could disagree, she walked away.  Well I'm not staying here with these guys.

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