Chapter 5:WHAT?!?!

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The weekend went quick and before i knew it,it was monday. When i came in to the school i went straight to Al, I'm too damn curious what happened hopefully shes in school, who am i kidding, she's always in school,that little motherfucker.And i was right there she is siting and listening to music in her headphones."Morning, dude" She took out headphones and said "morning "."Sooo" i started. Al looked at me waiting for me to continue. "Friday em.. what were you doing in the forest"She looked at me shocked."How the hell do you know" wow defensive much? "I was walking home and saw you running for you're life "
"Oh" really just oh come on say something entertaining." know"started "I was walking and just chilling you know and then i got lost as usual but but i wasn't drunk or anything but i..i.. i.. saw something bad and badshit crazy" she stutterd out. "I'm listen keep going and don't forget to breath" alright i think she should be able to make a sentence "I was walking and i saw werewolf and like a big one, like a big ,big one , i mean it could eat me and you and my dad, and my dad is pretty big, so a wolf.... SINCE WHEN DO WE HAVE WOLF'S IN OUR COUNTRY WHAT THE ACTUALL FUCK"
"CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID DUCK" Al blinked a few times "was i screaming?" Is she serious"Yes you were,now calm down and tell me what happened then"
"I fucking ran what else do you think i did? i sure as fuck didn't drink tea with it" that sarcastic idiot, the only reason why she's still alive is because im curious."That's it? " i asked "i mean the wolf ran after me and i never ran so much in my life" understood she's going to die by my hands."So your saying you saw a big wolf? " "Yes" WHAT how the hell is there a wolf in our country.I know we had them 100or more year's ago but now.Its impossible."You should probably tell that to the police" she looked at me weirdly "last time i went to the police they thought i stole a kinderegg ,sooo... no" if i get chased by a big wolf she is going to die first for not going to the police. Hopefully no one will get attacked.
~after school~
Saying bye to Al i when to my bus stop and surprise, surprise my day just got worse.There stood Alex in all his ass glory. I would run away but he noticed me and waved at me. Ohh shit, noooo why today i have no make up on i look like a troll."Hey there Diana" why is he so happy on a monday"Hey" was all i said.I just want to get over with today.
~after fighting class~
I over heard Alex say to one of his friends "So let's met in the forest for the ritual"now i am not a eavesdroper but I'm curious.A little stalking never hurt no one. So when they started walking, i stayed a safe distance behind them so that they don't notice me. After 10 minutes of walking and me almost throwing a rock at Alex for calling some girl hot. They stopped at the forest where Al was chased by a big wolf.Now what the fuck are they doing there. They bravely went in and the last thing i heard was something about "shifting". Well im not going there alone.Sooo..

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