Chapter 8:Just awkward

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Breath,Diana come on breath. Me and Alex No,  yes, oh god." Me and Alex? " "Yes"oh god Lion started slowly walking away "Good lucky,i would love to stay but i have some beta stuff to take care of"Why does it sound like he's lying. Now me and Alex ar having a starring contest. "Soo, how are you felling?" really how am i felling. "Fantastic, just fantastic two of my friends are werewolf and one is a vampire couldn't be better" and mate not to forget, now what? do we kiss and get married.I mean i wouldn't complain but this weird."So do you want to date or something? " am i dreaming? Alex MY crush is asking me out. No this can't be real.I don't believe it. "I guess, but only if you want to " Yea that's a lie, you don't have choice,now you're MINE. "Sure" why is this so awkward? I have seen werewolf fanfics  and why is this so awkward. "Sorry it's just weird i didn't know Lion is going to bring you here,  if i knew then i would know what to say" Alex tried to explain. Was he even planning on telling me?fuck it "were you even planing on telling me?"I might have sounded bitchy, but i don't really care. "Yes maybe not now,or so soon"
"Why not? "    "Your too young"  "Im almost 18!"  "Really?" Is he joking."YES!"  "Oh" did he seriously think that I'm younger. " You're starting to annoy me " "good" are we flirting? i guess you could call it that.

~ few days later~

So its been really awkward , me and Alex kinda are 'dating' i think.Im personaly happy but it's been weird .Alex has been avoiding me and thats pissing me off. i understand it's super weird that you're friend is you're mate but still. "Morning luna" since i found out about all this mate shit Lion calls me luna. And some other people in the pack.  I found out that there are 43 people in this pack and there are a lot more pack everywhere. Werewolfs usually die at the age of 98."Morning Lion"  "Why do you look so sad?" How could he tell?  "Same old shit" Lion frowned "Do you want me to beat some brain in to him? " Now that made me laugh like a crazy cow. "Nah I'm good, but that sounds good". So me and Lion talked for a bit until he said "Are you joking?" he was looking in his phone. "What's going on? " I asked not knowing whats about to happened.Lion showed me his phone and on it i could see a video on facebook in which Alex is drinking vodka from some chicks breasts.....THAT LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER!!! I swear to god i will ripe his balls off.
You could obviously see im mad and you don't fuck with me when im mad. Lion just stood there waiting, what will i do. "He's dead"was all i said. Lion already knew i liked him. The only people that knew i liked Alex were Lion,Al and Alice.
Now for about 45 minutes Lion tried to calm me down. Poor guy, i think i made him death at some point."Whats this shouting?!" I heard someone say.Oh i know this someone and this someone is going to die. I turned around to face Alex.  "None of you're fucking business  you twat!!" Never have i ever sounded so pissed off. Honestly i have never even raised my voice.
I saw Alex eyes become gold. No... that is not going to scare me and i don't care that everyone respects him. "I could care less about who you are! " Now that sounded a bit bitchy. I grabbed him by his
collar and looked him dead in the eyes and said "You are a disgusting piece of shit and I don't want anything to do with you!! " That was really harsh but i was lost in the moment and didn't control what came out of my mouth.I had no idea what happened next, suddenly i was pinned against a wall and i felt lips on mine.It was harsh but i couldn't stop my body from melting in to submission .I responded back. The kiss wasn't long but i definitely needed more, when it stopped i could feel Alex's breath on mine. "You're so hot when you're mad" was all he said. He got off me and just stood there waiting for something. If took me a while to realize, ALEX just kissed me. I started blushing like crazy.I bet i looked like a tomato.We heard Lion cough...oh shit HE WAS LITERALLY THERE. It must of been awkward for him. Poor Lion i think he became death and blind the same day. "I'm sure both of you don't want me here, but i think you forgot something Diana" Did i? what did i forgot I'm pretty sure my pants are still on....oh yea the votka thing."Oh". I looked at Alex, the bastard had a smirk on, i took Lions phone and shoved it in Alex face so he could see the video. When he looked that smirk disappeared."I can explain"  Oh you can?  "Go ahead"This better be good "So it was only for a video and it was before you found out about us" what a terrible reason."That's a bad reason" and Lion agreed."It didn't mean anything i swear" I know i will regret it later but i kicked him in the baby maker and walked away feeling lika a boss.."

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