yuri P.

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Well this was supposed to be posted on his birthday but i guess i forgot :/


It was that day, yuri's day, his birthday to be precise and being his bestfriend ment you had to get him something. Something that ment what you felt about him and this feeling was love and today was they day you were going to confess.

You woke up and decided to text the russian to tell him happy birthday and that you guys were spending the whole day together.

(Y/n): good morning cat son, happy birthday 😸😸😸

Russian fairy: dont call me cat son and i better not be labeled as that as my contact name 😾😾😾

(Y/n): of course not, anyways we are going to spend all day together, just you and me 😸

Russian fairy: to bad i have practice today so i cant hang out.

(Y/n): nonsense, i told yakov that i wanted to spend time with you for your birthday and he said yes :)

Russian fairy: fine but your picking me up

(Y/n): im 17 i dont have a car 🙀

Russian fairy: be a bad girl and take your dad's car you did that before.

(Y/n): fine but be ready im coming right now.

Russian fairy: whatever😾


You stopped texting yuri and sighed knowing that you could get in trouble with your dad and the police for driving without and adult but you didn't care. You got ready and took your dads car and left.

*time skip by cat son and his two dads yuri and viktor*

You got to yuri's house and knocked on his door to see his usual scowl on his face but with a tint of pink on it which confused you.

"So you ready for our super fun day or mostly your super fun day?" You ask while leaning closer to him making his blush even more.

"Y-yea." He simply answered and closed his door and walked to your car still blushing.

While you were driving you noticed yuri watch you caught yuri starung at you from the corner of your eye but he looked away when he noticed.

"Something wrong yuri?" You asked the russian fairy while glancing at him time to time.

"W-what! Nothing i just...your really pretty." He said blushing like a maniac. You just chuckled.

"Well thank you, your not to bad yourself, quiet handsome if you ask me." You smirked making him turn his head to the window and him mumbling a small thank you.

*timeskip at a place idk*

You and yuri somehow ended up in a café which really didn't bother you except while you guys were having a good time, viktor and yuuri noticed you guys and came to say hello.

"Oh hello viktor, yuuri." You smiled and greeted them to sit down.

"Hello yurio, (y/n) whats this i see a date?" Viktor asked while smiling like and yuuri doing the same.

"W-what of course this isnt a date its my birthday...i wish." He mumbled the last part which viktor could here.

Yuuri and viktor looked at each other like they were telepathically talking and viktor whispered in yurio's ear while yuuri whispered in your. Whatever they said made you and yuri blush.

"Well we don't want to keep your 'special' day waiting so we'll talk later bye." Yuuri said and walked out smiling wide with viktor holding his hand.

"Why dont we just get on with our day, yes?" You asked awkwardly to the blushing russian fairy.

"Uh y-yea." He said and you guys left enjoying your day.

*timeskip after what you guys did cuz im to lazy to put smth else*

The last thing for you guys to do was to just hang out at your place and watch a movie which you guys were currently doing.

It was dark and you were getting tired so you slowly leaned your head on yuri's shoulder making him tense up but slowly relax.

At this point you and yuri were tired and it was to dark to let yuri walk home and you were to lazy to drive so he spent the night. Anyways, you were tired and didn't know what you were doing so some things were said.

"*yawn* im tired yuri im going to sleep...i love you." You tiredly said wrapping your arms around the blonde.

"W-what! I guess i love you to then." He mumbled red faced and then held you by your chin and kissed you on the lips. You were to tired to do anything so you just sat there with your eyes closed while it happened.

"Yea i really do love you." He whispered to you while holding you close.

"Yep, love you to, happy birthday russian fairy." You mumbled while snuggling closer to his chest while he had and irk mark from the nickname.


I was really going to post this on his birthday but i swear i did but i guess i forgot oh wale another yuri x reader cumming at ya bye~~~

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