viktor n.

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next person to comment "omg she's such a pick me" will get BLOCKED!!!! y'all need to realize that i wrote this when i was 14 and EVERYONE wanted to be this girl. now it's a trend and yall wanna hate? take that somewhere else i'm not dealing with it lmao. stay mad i couldn't care less

Viktoria nikifortov was your daughter's name she was turning 16 and it was the best day for her but the worst day for viktor. He didn't want to see his daughter grow up just like he didn't want to see his 17 year old son vincent to grow up but everyone will age except viktor is in fact a drama queen.

Viktoria was currently at the mall with her friends to pass the time with you and viktor setting up her sweet 16 at the...worlds largest video game store.

Yea viktora well she wasnt like other girls she liked getting dirty and hated the colour pink she happend to love video games and begged you to have it here.

So being the awesome mom you are you rented the whole store wich was gigantic and it would take you forever to decorate.

While you and the other handy men were putting the last touches to the party you heard faint cries coming from your husband who happend to be sulking in the corner.

"Um honey whats the matter are you alright" you knew what was wrong but decided to ask anyways.

"No *sniff* my baby girls growing up*sniff* what do I do now!" He the takled you in a bear hug.

"Aww honey its ok everyone is going to grow up some time and its you know we could always have more~" you cooed in his ear.

Viktor pulled away from the hug and kissed you.

You knew he wanted to do 'more' but you quickly pulled away when you saw viktoria and her friends come through the doors.

"Mom dad you really did all this for me?" Viktoria asked you guys surprised.

"Of course we did-" you were cut off when viktor ran up to your daughter and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Tori promise me you will stay young and not ever have a boyfriend until your 60 pleaseeee" viktor begged your daughter.

" darkness" viktoria said between breaths.

"Sorry tori i just dont want you to grow up so fast" he said starting to tear up.

"Dad dont worry in not growing up anytime soon im still young" she said with concerned blue eyes just like viktors.

"Ok...i love you and vincent so much don't forget it" he said and kissed her forhead.

"I love you to dad and you mom"

"I love you to honey" you said

"Ok enough with the sad stuff i saw laser tag over there. Viktoria and her tomboy friends ran to the booth with laser tag.

~~~~timeskip after a few hours of partying~~~~~~~~~

You were sitting down exhausted from an extreme game of laser tag.

While you were sitting you noticed vincent sit across from you at the table you were sitting at.

"Hey mom guess what?" He said excited

"Oh hey honey whats up?" You said exhausted

"You know that boy I've been seeing well...he asked me out im so excited mom" he said blushing at the thought of his new boyfriend

"Aw congrats honey just nothing of that sexual stuff alright" you said teasing him

"Mooom" he said embarrassed

"Sorry sorry"

You guys were talking until viktor shouted to everyone in the room that its cake and presents time but he sounded like he was crying...sigh that poor drama queen viktor.

Viktoria walked in the main room along with her friends and saw the biggest cake they ever see before.

" is the biggest cake ive ever see where did you get it" she asked with her mouth agape.

"Oh that doesnt matter now make a wish" you said

She closed her eyes and blew out the candles.after that well...she is kinda impatient so she and everyone else tore right into the large cake and after that was sugar rushes for everyone.

The rest of the day was filled with kids running around from the sugar rush and workers trying to settle everyone down or atleast get the adults to clam down.

Lets just say when you woke up you saw passed out viktor , kids , and workers scattered around the place.


Requested by myself cuz it just came to mind anyways happy new year and i hope 2017 wasnt like 2016 cuz my 2016 was trash rip everyone who died including my own grandma 🙏🙏🙏 but anyways happy new year to you all🎉🎊

Also request are still open and always will be and also yes vincent is gay so if you dont like gay stuff the gtfo cuz i love the gay stuff especially in anime


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