minami k.

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You (y/n) (l/n) came off as a quiet person who couldn't even work up a conversation with her self. You never really had many friends but one. His name was minami kenjirou. You never knew why he was so nice to a quiet person like you. maybe you did have feelings for the boy but he probably only likes you as a friend. Hopefully one day he will find out your feelings.

It was the same usual day at school,the same boring classes, and the same boring teachers. While you were walking in the hallway you weren't looking where you were going and ran into your friend minami.

"Ow oh h-hey (y/n)-senpai" you were wondering why he was so flustered he never acts like this.

"H-hey minami a-are you ok" you being the quiet person you are were naturally flustered.

"Yea im fine but i wanted to ask you something" he said looking away from your gaze

"S-sure whats up"

"Ok here goes"he said under his breath

"Will you come to the ice rink with me and practice" he said still looking away.

You would have said no because you have lots of homework to cram in your day but your crush just asked you to go ice skating with you how could you turn him down.

"S-sure im free today" you lied

"Thanks meet me there after school" after that he hugged you and left

~time skip cuz im lazy asf~

When you got to the rink you saw minami skating like theres no tomarrow. He was so beautiful how his blonde and red hair flow when he jumps and his body sways to the music you loved everything about him.

While you were watching him you were snapped out of your thoughts when yuuko came next to you.

"You like him dont you?" She asked in a teasing sound

"W-what n-no i mean yea b-but he doesn't like me back so it doesn't matter anyways" you said in a sad tone

"Of course he likes you he begged me to let you guys skate here on a closed day" she said while pushing you on the ice.

You skated up to minami and tapped his shoulder getting his attention.

"Oh hey (y/n)-senpai so should we practice" he said with that same smile.

"S-sure" you just wanted to kiss those soft lips of his but sadly your to shy.

~another time skip after practice~

After practice minami ended up showing you three new moves and you got a little to excited and...kissed him.

"Thank you for showing me thoes moves minami" with that you kissed him.

You pulled away as quick as you kissed him telling him sorry as many times as you could.

"(Y-y/n)-senpai don't be sorry i like you" he said sincerely and held your smol cheeks.

"W-what...I l-like you to minami" with that you snek your arms around his neck and brought him into a kiss.

It was long and passionate you finally found out what his lips felt like and boi were they soft and smooth.

While the kiss was going on you heard faint clicks of cameras coming from your right. It was axel,luts,andloop taking pictures of you guys.

"This is so going on the internet" the trio said in sync.

"No!!" You and minami also said in sync


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Sorry it took so long i get distracted and i also suck at writing ff 😢 but anyways thx for the request

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