Chapter Three

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Life with the Blake Brothers

Chapter Three

            “It’s perfect.” Jackie sighed twirling around in the fiftieth dress she’s tried on since we entered the mall. “Don’t’ y’all think so?” she asked giving us a look that meant we better agree.

            “Of course” I said, standing up from the chair I had been sitting in. “It looks amazing.” Her dress was a tight dark purple fit that stopped right below her butt and showed off her curves. It had one frilly strap and showed off a lot of cleavage. It wasn't exactly my type of dress, I prefered something that covered more skin, but she did look amazing in it. That part wasn't a lie.

            “Now that we all have our dresses, let’s go back to yours.” Brittany said, a faraway look on her face as she probably thought of Kyle. She motioned for me to follow her out of the store.

            “Of course.”

            Brittany’s dress she had chosen was a red one. It stopped mid-thigh, with a small slit on her left leg and strapless, showing off her flat stomach and curves. My dress that Brittany and Jackie had demanded I buy, was a light blue one, which stops right above my knee. It’s covered in sequence and brings out my eyes as Brittany said. I could tell that they really liked the dress, and it wasn't awful, in fact I really liked it.

            Entering the house, we stash our dresses away in the back corner of my closet and rest on my bed. We hid them in the back so no snooping boys would be able to find them. We wanted our looks to be a surprise. But when we settled down, we noticed the silent house. I looked at my friends confused and rose from my bed. Following behind me, Jackie and Brittany tiptoed silently as we walked into the kitchen.

            “Maybe they’re outside?” Brittany added a knowing look on her face and twinkling in her eyes.

            “What’s going on?” I ask, but don’t get an answer before Jackie opened the backdoor and pushed me through it.

            “Surprise!” chorused a whole backyard filled with familiar people.

            “You thought we were going to let you return home and not throw you a welcome back party?” Xavier asked and hugged me tight. I shook my head as two little bodies enveloped each of my legs and I looked down at Jayden and Trevor, a smile lighting up my face. I wrapped them both in hugs and kissed their foreheads.

            “Eww!” they shrieked and ran away, waving their hands frantically and yelling about me having girl cooties. I chuckled at the young boys and made my way over towards a table where Jackie, Brittany, and the boys resided. I stepped up in front of my friends and glared.

            “You knew about this. This is why you made us go into a million stores and run all over the place.” I accused. They nod and I continue, “I should be mad, but I guess I should have seen this coming.”

            “Exactly, so enjoy it and stop looking so down alright.” Brittany said and stood up, heading to get drinks.

            “She’s right you know.” Kyle said, “Loosen up, have fun, smile. If this is how you are going to be at the party Friday night, I don’t think I want you to be there. Nobody likes a stick in the mud.” I gave him a fake smile and rolled my eyes. “That’s more like it.” He reached over the table and pinched my cheeks. I swatted them away and slumped back into my chair, kindly taking a coke from Brittany as she passed them out.

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