Chapter Twenty

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March 15th, 2014

"I hate cats."

Was the first thing Luke said when I walked into his room the next day. He looked like he had a restless night, it was written on his face and features. His hair was still untamed and he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, also. I didn't blame him though. He probably only got out of bed to pee or throw up.

"I'm more of a dog person." Luke kept speaking but didn't open his eyes. There was hardly any sunlight peaking in due to the blackened windows and I had also turned the light on when I walked in.

"Same," I smiled and sat on the opposite side of the bed.

"How's this supposed to work?"

"How's what supposed to work?"

"Are you just gonna sit there all day and watch me sleep?" he asked. I thought for a moment and looked over at the bookshelf. A year book was sitting on the far end next to a bunch of other books, and I recognised it from Year five.

"Maybe," I shrugged. Luke finally had opened his eyes, but they were bloodshot and sleep deprived. "Have you actually showered or bathed in the past few days?" He slowly shook his head and craned his neck up to face me with a small smile.

"You're disgusting, Luke."

"I know. But you could help me up so I could take a bath?" he croaked and followed with a yawn.

"And you're lazy. But fine," I said. That meant I was forced to get up, too. Groan. "Give me your hands." He did so and I used all my strength to pull him up- but it was hard since may I remind you he was a 6'4", 17 year old boy. When he was up on both his feet, he almost collapsed but he had grabbed my forearms to hold himself up.

"You alright there?" I asked. He nodded, eyes focused on the door to the hallway. "You'll have to tell me which door it is."


He did smell, but I tried not to mind since he barely had enough strength to support himself. Obviously he wouldn't be able to stand in the shower, or long enough to get a bath started.

We slowly made our way out into the hallway and luckily the first door next to his room was the bathroom. I would have to say it was the best room in the house, out of everything I'd seen. They obviously took care of their hygienic needs well. The moment we stepped into the bathroom, Luke sat himself on the edge of the tub.

"I'll just be in your room if you-"


"What?" I asked.

"I said stay."

"Luke, you're taking a bath. Don't you want privacy?" And I certainly didn't want to see his private parts. He shyly smiled.

"Just don't look," he said, motioning for me to turn around. I did so and a second later I heard the water turn on.

"Is there gonna be a way where you can hide, it?" Wow Paige you're so good at this.

"Um, yeah. I'll just pull the curtains so you can only see my face, and uh maybe a washcloth for-"

"Okay! Okay!" I exclaimed causing Luke to laugh. Pretty soon, it was getting boring just standing and looking at a plain wooden door, "are you almost ready?"

"I've been ready."

"Oh, God."

"I'm so sorry," he said and snickered a little but it got cut off by a sickly cough. When I turned around, Luke's head was the only thing visible (besides his shoulders but whatever) and he was smiling.

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