chapter 35

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Yuri pov
"Okay bye , see you at the place we chit chat just now " she said as she hanging up the call . She finally sit down back to her place place . I look at her sternly . Obviously i am mad right now , but i need to stay calm since i just no one for her .
I shift my focus to Taeng and Sunny back . We were chatting together . But then i notice that Taeng already mad . He having a short tempered problem . He look at Tiffany as he would really over with her .

I just doing my expressionless like always . I look at Jessica .
I can feel that Jessica is looking at me . So i just decide takes sunny hand and stroking her hand . Sunny always love it when someone clingy with her and she won'd mind if it was me for sure .

Then i look back at Sunny and Taeng . Suddenly Taeng gets up from his seat and look directly at Tiffany as he really mad at her . He spank the desk twice .

"TIFFANY HWANG! we need to talk . " he said as he look at Tiffany . Tiffany just do her bitch mood faces . With that Taeng forcefully grab her hand and makes their way out .

I look at Jessica Jung . I just ignore her glare . And continues chatting with sunny which is useless things about her shikshin boyfriend .

I observe Jessica as now i think she was fallen asleep . She sleep with her head landing on the chair . It might make her neck hurt . So i decided to said to sunny "She's the one i'm talking about " i pointed at Jessica .
"No wonder she kept giving me deathly glare tsk tsk tsk " sunny said "By the way i'm going to makes call to my boyfriend " she said as she left the seat . I slowly walk towards Jessica .

I pulled her head . I make my shoulder to be her pillow . i fix her hair .

i can't stay mad towards you for a long time i guess .

She sleeping with her head on my left shoulder and i guess she was so comfortable and suddenly her hand clingy on my left arm . i just smiled the whole time while looking at her .

After 5 minutes with doing nothing , i fell asleep too . my head rest on her head .
my napping time was interrupt when i feel someone harshly push my head .
I look at who did it to me , but the only i can assume it was only Jessica the violent princess .

I look at her ,
"Fine" i said emotionless .
i walk back towards my seat . i sit on my sits . as i sit , i saw Tiffany already make her way to her places . She look like , she just crying . Did taeng make her cry ?
That immature Kiddos
i shook my head twice .
she immediatelty rest her head on the desk
I wait for Taeng but its turn up he is not come back to the class .
with that i continue my napping . the bell interupt my napping this time . i look at Jessica . She was trying wakes tiffany up . i just ignore them and walk passed them as nothing happen .

i'm doing like i always did . i always wait for Jessica to gets out from the class and follow her from behind . At least this how i make sure she was safe from bullies . I follow her from behind . And she never notice that i always be there for her anytimes .

We was walking and then , tiffany and Jessica makes their way toward the back of the canteen which is not really alot of people there . i kept on following them . then i saw nichkhun and Taecyeon already there with their food . They also bought for Jessica and Tiffany . i am lucky i bought my sandwich in my pocket . to be honest i always bought a sandwich in my blazer and pocket since i know i would watching jessica from afar and eating alone .

I know it sound like i am pshycho but i am not . i just love to look at her . i know i am still wise man .
I chuckle at myself.
then i look at them suddenly jessica gets up from her seat and hug tiffany . she patted her back . but then a guy push Jessica from hugging . Jessica almost fall into the ground . with that i go towards the situation and only found out it was Taeng .

After that little drama end , we decided to eat together .
"You guys make me miss my girlfriend , victoria" Nichkhun said as he rubb the back of his neck .
i look at Jessica who was now standing beside me , i glared at her for being so flirty with Taecyeon infront of me . But as always she ignored me .
With Taeng with Tiffany Lovey dovey its make me feel a little bit jealous , they love each other so much but not yet official together .

We decide to go back to the seat .
with Taeng sit beside Tiffany and in the middle with taeng in her right and nichkhun on her left . Jessica sit between Taecyeon and me and ofcourse she only looking towards Taecyeon and ignore me. With that , i trying to having a chit chat with Nichkhun . i chit chat with Nichkhun and my eyes every 10 second i would look at Jessica who is busy chatting with Taecyeon .

But then , Taeng suddenly gets up from his seat and i think he was signalling me to gets some foof for us since he didn't eat anything yet .
This is the right time .
i nodded my head and smirk
"It's okay hyung , you can sit here while i and Jessica going to buy us some food . Right Sica?" i said as smirk at Jessica .
She look so much pissed off since she really lazy to gets up from the seat .
Jessica just look at me as her face look pissed of . But she still following me to the cafe from behind

She then try to catch up to walk beside me . With that i start the conversation with appologies with the way i mad to her just now , in the morning "I'm sorry about this morning" i said without looking at her . Then i can feel she is stop walking . i look back behind me . As i look behind , my head was smack by her .
I look at her . I rub my head . "Y-Yah Jessica Jung!" i shout at her as she suddenly run away from me and stuck her tongue out from her mouth .

I run after her , but as soon as i catch her by her shoulder she then smack my head again "you are so unbelieveble " i said to her . "You deserve it!" she said as she rolled her eyes to me .

As we arrive canteen , we bought some drinks and some fried rice with omellete for 3 sets .
After that happen , i and Jessica gets along back .
We bring the food in the tray with im takes the fried rice and jessica who only carry the drink .

As we arrive back at the place just now , it was only Taeng and Tiffany .
They both flirting towards each others .

Taeng look at us as we arrived . I put the tray on the table and Jessica put the drinks . Taeng takes one plates of the fried rice and i takes one .

Jessica sit beside me . She smiled at Taeny sweetness and then she awkwardly smile at me . I then try to eat my food . But then i remember Jessica is not yet eat anything since i was looking at her from afar . i look at the other fried rice . Its not occupied yet , so i decide to ask tiff whether she want to eat or not "Tiff do you want the fried rice too?" i ask tiffany . But then i glance at Jessica . now she was pouting to herself .

Tiffany just shook her head since i know it she just full with eating just now when nichkhun was here .
with that i takes the plates of the fried rice and put it infront of Jessica . "Eat" i said without looking at her . i was to shy to show my caring side . and i am not someone that always show their feeling .

With taeny already in their on world , i glance at Jessica , but she still not yet touch the food . The recess almost end in 10 more minutes . i put down my spoon and folk and I grab the spoon and folk that she holding . i try to fed her , "Open you mouth" i said to her , she was shocked with my sudden action and with that she was open her mouth and i gently fed her .

"recess almost end " i said while focus back on my food . i can feel she was looking at me .
i just ignored her stare since i was to shy to look at her back . She then eat slowly .

the bell ring .

Jessica Pov

After the school over , Yul turn to wait for me well of course we going back together since we alredy good together . I cancell my plan to stay at tiffany house . We walk towards Yul car. He open the door for me and i just smiled at him .
As the ride to house . i started the conversation . "Yul . I'm accepting you " i said as i look out the window .
he look at me curiously , "What accepting you mean ?" he ask me .
"To be your girlfriend! hergh idiot " i said as i turn my body away from his view . He immediately brakes his car . and luckily no car behind us . HE put the drive mood into parking mood , he pulled the handbraked .
"Am i hearing this right?" he asking me as his finger poke my shoulder slowly .
i turned to him . i glaring at him "Why ? you not single anymore? ouh you dating Sunny? okay " i said as i almost rapping the word . the jelousy in me still there , still makes me mad as fuck .
He ignored my question .
With that Yul hold my left hand . He turn his body towards me . He pulled my left hand and he kiss my hand .
"Thank you for accepting me sica-yah" he said to me directly in my eyes . He then leans closer to me , he then kiss my forehead . "I'm so happy Sica-ah" he said to me . "Finally " he said to him self .

He makes me giggle when he jump on his seat to celebrate his achievement .

He then stop jumping in the car and look at the dashboard . Then he ask me to open the dashboard "Sica-ah , try open the dashboard?" he said to me . i just nodded my head and open the dashboard . and then i saw a blue boxs . "Its yours " he said to me . "When do you bought this?" i ask him as i open what the box contain . "Last time , when we were in the mall" he said to me .
"Its beautiful Yul " i said as i shown him the contains too . its was a bracelet . Its simple and plain like how my taste is . Its one a bigger one then one a small one .
I look at it again .
Is this couple brace---

Its was cutted by him "Yes , it was couple bracelet " he smiled at me . He takes one with the gold design . then i notice it was a gold bracelet and it also have 2 pink diamond on it . He slip it in on my wrist and it amazingly fit perfectly to me . With that i takes the one with the black design and 2 blur diamond in it and slip it on his wrist . as i slip in his wrist he immediatly laugh at himself .
"I can't believe finally i make it " he was so happy as he show me the bracelet that macthing . I laughed at his craziness .

Author Pov

The girl was walking alone in night at the street behind the han river . She just enjoying the view of the nature , the sea and also what god has created .
She wearing her earphone piece by piece . from the right one to the left side of her ears . The wind blow her hair as she was enjoying the view . She decide to put both of her hand inside the thick brown coat . She walking while humming a song that she listenning . As she enjoying the night , suddenly she was crushed into weird guy . he has a dark brown hair and his hair a little bit messy . he wearing a tshirt and only a short jeans which is only covering his untill his knee . why the hell someone wearing like this at this cold whether ? he is weird . the girl thought . the guy fall down and the he was sighing .
The girl who was shocked due the incident then pause the music and bent down to help the weird guy. The guy then just randomly look at her stunly . Then he murmured "beautiful" while looking at her . The girl who was try to help him up , shoved her hand so that he can stand up .
But the guy just staring at her and ignore her hand and stands up by himself .

"next time look where you're going " he said as his voice a little bit shaking due a sense of nervousness but try to calm . his voice is so manly and its suprise the girl who was shocked by his soothing voice .
But then she come by her sense and get mad because it was not her that crushing the guy , instead it was his own fault for crushing her .
"What?Am i hearing it right?" the girl said as her face turn into frown .
The guy just kept on staring at her .
silence fill the air when The girl also decide just to stare at him , they both staring each other untill the girl named
Solar look back at him and realise that he doesn't answering her question .
"Yah! " she shouted as her hand automatically slap his arm .
The guy who was shocked with her sudden slap then realise that it was actually his fault . "I'm sorry, " he said as he rubbed his neck back . "where are you Aiden. i lost you " he murmered as he look panic again . Then the guy turn around and run away from her .
"Weirdo " she sigh .

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