chapter 27

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Author Pov
After 1 month later aiden is still not here . he is missing . His mom untill now kept on crying . And the bad news is that the officer called Taeng and said they really find nothing that hinted Aidens is Alive . The only things they found in the forest was , it was near the river . His blood . a strend of blood that only a lens can see it .
And the officer said maybe he
maybe Aiden already died .
Jessica Pov
Yes ofcourse , who can survice in car accident like that ? i mean he is was throw out from his car and its turned out he fall cliff and maybe in the river . My thought
Krystal untill now she still crying sometimes . no appetite to eat and always cry for nothing .
She look bad , miserable and she look like a girl that just live physically and not her mental . Her soul look like lost somewhere .
Next week was already our final Exam and yet she is procrastinate her time crying and sleep . I don't understand why , can she just move on ? my harsh thought .
a lot have change , and we also have new classmate . She is Solar and she is totally Genius than Krystal .
Flashback .
"Krystal , humm can you help me with this question " there one student and i don't know who he is . but the My arrogant so called sister just glare at him and said a harsh things .
"This is easy , ask me something that hard . " she said without even look at him . She is focusing at her noted
"But this is really hard to me " the guy said with awkwardly said .
"Learn yourself, you parent must be shame of you , this is one of easy question " she said while smirk in her faces .
the guy really look ashame but then he burst angry and push her head .
"I don't know why i ask you! , you poor and arrogant at the same time ! i just need help for only 1 question but yet you hergh , i hope karma slap your face!" with that the guy go away .
But then before he gets out from the class , the new tranfer student who is always like me , sleeping is awake from her sleep .
"Aish! youuu! what are you angry about?" she awake and ask the guy . She yawning and gets off from her place . she walk toward the guys who is standing infront of Krystal . "stay calm will you " she said
"I just want to ask her a question of this but then she just being how she is , arrogant bitch " the guy said while eyeing at Krystal .
"omo got new tranfer student . i heard she is pretty and smart . " "she is so cool " the whisper
" yeah i heard it , let's me try to teach you then . " solar said while taking the books from the guys hand .
"Good , now go back to ur place and then get lost from my face " Krystal said while her eyes not even looked at them ,
"Come here , to my seat . " said solar . with that she teach the guy and because of that , she was called genuis . She always get the answer correct what ever question you throw to her .
then just other day , she was sleeping in the class almost every period . But then one of the teacher , addmath teacher come and lecture us . He pissed off since solar kept on sleeping , with that he write the most hardest addmath question in the board and ask solar to answer .
He pang solar desk and smirk . With his thrice pang in the desk , its make Solar whine and almost angry at the teacher . but then she smirk as she saw the question .
"Mrs Kim solar, You try answer this . if you got it correct i'll let you sleep " he said while smirk .
Solar looked at him and almost tried to provoked him .
As solar walk in front the board the teacher look back at us and said "You guys tried it too ! And you Siwon , the most great in Addmath . I want to know ur answer the most with Miss solar " he smirk again
His smirk turn into frown as he look back the white board , Solar already wrote the answer , perfectly .
He walk to the board and look at the calculate way . He turn his face and look at solar .
How can this girl got the answer correct without even use or bought her calculator infront .
"how about you Mr choi , What is your answer?"
"32?" he answer as he was not really finish to answer it .
"Wrong! how can you , my best student of Additional Mathematic got wrong answer for this?" He angry . and the he look at solar , who is now currently sleeping .
it's pissed him more . As he was so ashame of his self then he arrange his book and get out from the class.
And i also heard a rumours said that she even mske s physic taecher embrassed .
now , all the student here called her genius instead of Krystal . They also praise Solar for being humble and kind hearted .
and rumours also said she took 18 subject and manage to gets all A+.
How can a human be this genius?
End Flashback .
After looking at her , she makes me want to work hard more . its cool tho , you just sleep in the class but then your result boom!!
I actually work hard to improve my result , (after Aiden missing news spread) after week of that incident we still need to takes our exam .
Before Solar was popular for being genius , its supprised everyone that Krystal Jung was not on the top anymore .
Solar got number 1 instead of krystal who got number 2 . but to me i think she don't really cares about it , but i think she certainy jelous over solar for being number 1?
and ofcourse that time i only gets number 30 . well actually almost every years , i always get number 289 over 430 student here .
what dad said makes me smiled akwardly . "why can;t our Sooyeon be like our Soojung?" he said .
didn't he see i work hard a lot ?
i thought i was going to make my dad proud but then they not even looking at my result . They kept praising for Krystal .
I hate it! I work hard too didn't i ?
with that i study again , and i aimming myself to at least this next exam . i want it to be my first time ever my dad proud of me .
I study harder than before with Yul and sometimes with Taeng and Fany . And sometimes i secretly study with Solar queitly .
And as a kind hearted girl she always loved to teach me . She said that "if we share our knowledge then the knowledge always stick in our brain and its make us craving for more to be honest " she smile .
"Why you study so hard? i'm sorry but i was heard that you really always got number 200 or something and you work harder this time then you got number 30 and doesn't it enough?" she ask me .
"No , actually i tried to at least makes my dad proud of me . appreciate me . but then as i happyly shows my result , he just glances coldly and smile as he took krystal result . I want his attentions too . " i said . and continue with murmered .
"and actually thats make me hate her more!"
she just nodded her head and we begin our lesson .
a week has past and there is still no sight of Aidens and good news about Aidens . i sighed .
Today is the day , my only chance to makes my dad proud of me .
this is the time that i need to makes them proud and this the result for me to atleast gone to university .
After a week waiting for result finaly i gots the result . i was so happy that i bit a lot i mean i got number 6 out of 430 in this school .. i happily going home and try to show off my result to my dad , but then he ignored my result again . He took Krystal result and hug her tightly . i tried again to shows off my result . but again he just patted my head and said "goodjob" his attention back to Krystal .
i felt sad , well can't he atleast show me that atleast he appreciate me a little?
why can't he love me like how he did to Krystal? why can't he hug me and praise me like he hug Krystal .
and finally i burst in tears and that Krystal bitch just look at me weirdly . Maybe she is shocked that i was crying?
"why can't you love me like you did to Krystal? " i glared at that as my tears really burst from my conner eyes .
" i love you dear sooyeon , why you asking weird question? " he akwardly said back .
"Love? where? you never love me ! why you don't even praising my result ?! i work hard too! i bit you don't know how hard i study !"
"Sooyeon you dont unders-----" his word was cutted .
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND?! HOW CAN THAT BITCH GOT PRAISE FOR SMALL THINGS WHILE I , HARD WORK A LOT GOT NOTHING ! I JUST WANT UR FUCKING ATTENTION! HEH ITS FUNNY DAD ! WHAT'S MAKE IT MORE FUNNY IS THAT HER RESULT IS DECREASES, WHILE ME I WAS FROM 200 SOMTHING TO TOP 10 YET I DON'T GET ANY PRAISED FROM YOU . ! " i shouted at him . yeah after Aidens missing , she lost focus in her studies . She got number 3 in this exam . serve her , arrogant to much bitch . now she lost Aiden and her genius nickname . i smirk . And what suprised me more about the result is that number 1 is still Solar and second is yul .
i continue .
its become family problem when i deside to burst out my jelousy . "IM KNOW IM NOT IMPORTANT BECAUSE YOU HATE MY MOM DON'T YOU? " i said to dad . Krystal was the only one not understand any , she look likes clueless .
"ENOUGH! " he said .
but i still tried to provoke him and i really mad . this is all because of that Krystal . i glared at her and her mom . .
"APPOLOGIES TO YOUR SISTER , SOOYEON!" he shouted at me as his hand was about to grab my collar to knees on Krystal leg , for a fuck sake i won't !
"She is not MY FREAKING SISTER!!!" i burst to cried . i smirk . . i stand up and Krystal wided her eyes , huh you know now ! i'm not ur sister
"AND YOU ! pLEASE stop acting like my mom ! " i continue . i pointed my finger towards her .
"i fucking hate this family!" With that i takes my phone that Yul bought to me and quickly leave the so called house . I cried . There is no single person stops me from leaving included my dad and its make me longing to get out from here . All the worker looking at me curiously , they were wandering why would i cried . i don't know what to do .
I'm going to han river . just hearing the wave sound makes me ease .
But then , someone slid me a sweater from behind
i know that voice
"What are you doing here at this late night? " said Yul as he turn me around to face him , suddenly he almost shouted "WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! WHO DID THIS TO YOUUUUU! WHAT HAPPEN , TELL ME !" he said while his both hand on my shoulder . he is shaking me up .
i burst more tears as he shakes me up . for the first time in my life someone Care about me
he wipe my tears with his both hand .

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