chapter 26

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Taeng Pov
I'm happy for Aiden todays .
Well he deside to confess his feeling to kry and I and Yul wish him luck .
His decision made me want to confess my feeling toTiffany too . But i don't why i was holding it back .
Right now , We were at the classes and it already been awhile since Tiffany came to school . Today i left alone T_T
Yul is sitting next to jessica and i alone and lonely .
Teachers is not yet here , so its make me desire want to called Tiffany and want to ask her how she is .
But i'm nervous ,, But i need to overcome it . yes . i should
Should i call her? i said while looking at my phone
Or not? i said while wanting to shove it back to my pocket
Should i watch porn ? i sighed .
"Maybe i shou---- " before i said that words  , a called cutted me off .
As i look at the Dialer , it is
i immediately answer the call excitedly .
"HELLO?" i loudly said .
"Hello Taeng " she greet me , then she continue "Busy?"
"Not really . Just missing you " i said while the last word is more like a whisper . I smiled at least i can hear her voice today .
"When are you going to comes to class?" i asking her .
"Maybe tomorrow? why , Miss me ? " she answer . "Of course i miss my Girlfriend " i said and fake laughed it . sadly . it's actually fake girlfriend . But what i can do . i just her fake boyfriend .
"awww i;m so touched at least someone is missing me " she said while i can imagine her eyes smile as she said that .
"You should ! I have been miss you since last week ! " i bluntly said . As i realise what i just said , i immediately cover my mouth .
then a silence fills the OTP .
i dont know how to break this akwardness , so deside to said "So tomorrow i'll fetch you i guees?" i asking her .
"Yea " she answer back with one words .
"Hurmm" i reaplied her .
"Tae , I need to go! byeeee! see you tomorrow! " she said excitedly .
See , she even excited to ended the call
i sighed .
with that we ended our talk as she said she had something to do .
"Bye" my last word , the call end and i whisper "I love you " .
I sighed again .
Class continued like always . class GOING TO OVER IN 5 MORE minutes hehehehe actually i can't wait to for tomorrow . thanksgod at least today i feel times really fly so fast at least tomorrow i'll fetch Tiffany .
And i want to cheer Aiden for confessing to Krystal .
The bell rang , it sign class is already over .
I and Yul plus Jessica at the back hurry up go to back yard to cheer for Aiden .
Yul pull Jessica with him hahaha and He is blushing since he is the one holding her hand .
ahh nevermind let's focus on Aiden .
We're all here and still did not get sign of Krystal .
"It's okay Aiden , She will be here . " i try to cheer him up but , After after 30 minutes waiting , suddenly all of us . Saw that Krystal was pulled by Kai and with that he confessing his feeling to Krystal and what shocked me more that Krystal seem to accepting him . With that the crouded here , with Aiden dissapear to surround Kai and Krystal . With that i also follow em so that at least i want to see , is she really accepting him . Of course , i mean that , we can never believe our eyes .
i frown as i stand infront of both of them . I tried to look back at Aiden . What i see , he just look this way , his eyes only focussing to krystal . his eyes started to show a sign of sad . upset . dissapointed .
I turn back my focus to Krystal as i heard what She said . AIden had a chance . I smiled with that . with that , that the time i see aiden .
"Im sorry Kai , hurm I realised something that you need to know too . Its true sometimes , my heart is beating for you but i realised that im just Crushing on you . not exactly more than that . I'm sorry , I realised im in love with Aiden . "she said .My smile there in my face . i smirk as i heard that . i already know KRystal like Aiden , no I mean Loved Aiden . everyone is teasing Krystal as she said she in love with Aiden . everyone was like "see the tom and jerry is in love " "Auii pity Kai " " I know it , Aidens is weird with Kry around " "They are in love tsk tsk tsk we should know from the start"
"humm im sorry too " kai said while he close the box of ring and store it behind his pocket .
"Can you do a favour ?" said Kai while a tears started to form . i saw Krystal just nodded her head and suddenly Kai hugs her  and suddenly he kiss Krystal lips . my eyes wided . with that Krysta; push him hardly in his chest .
"I'm sorry , lets kept be friend from now on " said Krystal as she leave the backyard .
the crouded leave and its only have us . ME and Yuri plus her baby sica .
Suddenly JEssica come to Kai closely and said "You guys is cute together but , " she said as she glared at him . "You FUCKING TAKING ADVANTAGE! *slap*" she said while her hand slapped Kai face .
I feel the cold aura surrounding us .
Yul just watch her crush scared way ,
But then its getting worst when suddenly , Jessica punch him and kick him . Woww this girl seriously no joke .
Kai try block the kick and punch . And Kai getting angry as Jessica gets to punch his faces . He try to punch jessica back but it land on her shoulder .
"Ahh" jessica moans as she felt the pain in her shoulder . Yul immediatley come to her and rub her shoulder . He look at Kai angrily .
Omo omo he getting to be hulk back . omo omo i signal sica to hold him but then the ICe Princess just stay there and smirk in her face . wait what was that? Yul hold his collar and punch him on the face . and again he want to punch again . but this time Jessica hold his hand and shook her head . with that yul push kai .
Kai quickly left the situation while grabbing all his things pityly . a tears still in his conners eyes .
But then a called interupt us . I fetch out my phone and look at the dialer . Its shown unknown number .
"Hello" he said . "Yes? who is this?" i said back as i frown .
"Hurm do you know Mr.Liu Aiden? , " the unknown asked . "Yes , why did you ask?" i answer back with a question . "His car was founded crash and shatter but we can't find his body . the car , i think was rolled thrice or fourth . And this is seriously an adversely accident , we tried to gather all the rescue team to search for him . " i wided my eyes and i lost the grib of my phone . A tears form on the conner of my eyes . i cried with my hand tried to closed my hand so that i can refrain myself from crying .
Yul takes my phone and hold both of my shoulder . "What's wrong!!? Taeng!" he said panicly . But i can't answer him because i was to shocked . With that Yul , with his hand still holding my phone , try to talk to the unknown number . As he heard the same , he wided his eyes but still panic . he not burst into tears .
"Where is it?! tell me!" Yul shouting . His eyes look sad and angry at the same time because the unknows is to slow to give us information . With that Sica takes the phone and calmly ask , she point Yul to wait and shut his mouth to shouting at the officer again . With glad that Jessica took the phone , because we need someone that calm in this situation .
I wiped my tears that kept draning .
"Okay thank you " with that Sica give me back my phone .
"Its at the xxxxxxxxx , at beside the xxxxx hill . His car lost control , and they said its because he driving too fast in the rain ." she said . Yul just look at her .
"Okay lets go ! " i said as i was about to run away leaving them but then "Let's go there together , Taeng ! " Yul shout at me .
"Keep calm Taeng , " yul try to make me ease but why the hell we need to calm in this situation . I hold yul collar "How can you keep calm in this situation?! We might lost Aiden!!" and that makes realize .
He push my hands from his collar . he nodded his head .
"Should we tell Krystal about this?" suddenly Jessica bluntly said.
i and yul nodded our head.
"Okay first we need to search for Krystal and then we go to that place and search for Aiden's too ."i said while started to run to search for Krystal without waiting for them
I started to search her in the class because she always be there .
as i was i twisted the doorknobs , she already infront of it .
"Aid--en- he-- " I pantly said .
"WHat wrong with him?!! " she shouting .
I tried to explain but i can't , it's just tears burst .
"Aiden , he was involved with car crash . " Yul explained .
"Which hospital is it ?! WE NEED TO GO TO HIM NOW!!" she shouting with a tears escape from her . Her eyes turn red due she is crying really hard .
silence fills . how can we tell that hers love one missing ?
"His body missing ." jessica said calmly .
Krystal wided his eyes . "What we-- go-ing to do ? " she asking me with hope . she cried .
"the only things we can do is help the recue team . Let's help the rescue team search for him . " yul said .
she just nodded her head and then we rushed to go to the incident place .
All of them follow me , we get into my car and i drive it . Yul was sitting be while the Jung sister at the behind seat .
I drove as fast as i can . Its already 200mph . and its raining .
"Yah Yah slow down ! its raining . " yul glared at me . But i ignore him .
"Taeng, you need to calm down a bit !" yul warn me .
"How can i calm? its Aiden we talking about !" i shouted at him and suddenly maybe the leaves from the tree make the car a little bit lost control and it slip a bit . i brake the car as fast as i can before i crash to something .
"SEE! this is what i'm talking about! we almost Crash! Now , let's me drive! You need to calm yourSELF YOU IDIOT ! " he siad angryly and knocked my head . The jung sis just shut their mouth shut and quiet. maybe they to scared of our shout ?
I quickly get off the car without care its raining . Yul also did the same , we both wet due this raining .
At last , Yul drive us safely to the place .
As soon as we arrived there , Yul and i said to the girl just sit in the car while we talk to the police officer .
"You guys just sit here, and its raining so you better be here than outside . "Yul said while his eye only look at Jessica .
i took two the umbrella at the back of my car , and give one for me and yul . We go to talk to the officer .
"Hello , humm are you the one that call me ? " i ask the person who was looking or searching something at Aidens car , he was wearing rain coat .
"Yes , hum are you Taeng? ouh well i call you first because i found his phone here ," he show me Aiden's phone " he put ur number first for emergency . And luckily his car is smart car ," he continues . (P/s: for your imformation , expensive car is smart . they would call police immediately if they detect somethings is wrong . that is why the theif hard to do anything to expensive car . ) " His car immediately call the police and make a report and send us location or else no one know he is having car crash . " he explained . yes he is right . nobody really uses this hill because its dangerous especially when its raining . We just nodded .
Then he makes his way to the nearest police van . then he show me something Like the red box . "I'm sures this is Aidens ring . " he gave it to us . i took it and i immediately put it in my pocket .
"that the only things that we had found " he smiled akwardly .
"Humm sir , about the rescue team . Can we join em ? " yul ask as his face shows worried .
"You can but not now because they already there down in the forest . and its dangerous because this place kept on having rains. " he said .
we just nodded our head .
"if you find something or even simple things , call me immediately . " i said . i wrote my number at the piece of paper that was in the van "and this is my number . " i pointed it to the officer .
"Ouh , and do you want to takes his phone? " he ask .
"Sure" i said . i can give this to Krystal . I'm sure shes need it more than i do .
with that we go back to our cars . And then we found that both of the jung sister is sleeping .
Yul just giggle at the side as he found sica is sleeping cutely .
As i open the door , its only wake Krystal up .
With that krystal suddenly change the seat, she open the back door and then make her way , she seat next to the driver seat and yul was like "you want to sit infront?" yul ask her . she just nodded .
as Yul sit at the back , he immediately correct jessica posture of sleeping . she whined a bit but still closed her eyes . jessica head from the edge of the window , yul correct it with pull her head softly toward his shoulder . but then Jessica snuggle at his chest as her hand was stroking his chest and continues to sleep .
I just smiled at that view , yul with blushing just look at jessica .
ahh so sweet , what ever . i said in my mind .
Aidens phone interupt my thought . as his phone ring for low battery .
and its make me realise that i need to give the red box to her .
"ouh yes , before we go back to school and sent you guys to your home , i need to give you this kry " i said as i fetch the red box from my pocket . "This " i said while show it to krystal . she grab the red book and open it , "it is the ring , the ring that Aiden want to give when he want to confess to you today , at the backyard , " she cried as she look at the ring . she murmured aidens name . she cry .
she look at the rings and found it craft
'ServantBer' <3 'PrincessJung'
she cry even more . she took the small rings and i thinks its really hers , she wears it .
With that i give her Aidens phone , she the one that need this .
"charge his phone , you take care his phone okay?" i said to her while patting her head . the only things i get was her glared and nodded .
As we arrived the school , Krystal immediately run to the school and takes his thing and Aiden's . his bag pack and all of it .
we did the same ,
we took our beg and all the things ,
With that we decide to back home and yul the one that send the jung sister back home . Krystal still crying .
i hug her for the time and confort her , she burst so much tear after that . "its' okay Kry , let pray for god that he will be okay " i hug her tightly .
don't misunderstand . it just brother and sister hug . no more . she is Aiden's
i burst in tears too . And then yul pulled sica with him and hug us too . Jessica was trapped in the middle with hugs . we cry togethe

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