Chapter 5 (past)

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After I heard Tiffany unnie shout , I was stunned but it was interrupted when Aiden suddenly grab my wrist and dragged me. I was once again stunned by that but I let him dragged me . He hold my wrist so tightly . Then suddenly , he kept run while dragging me with him . "yah , where do you want to take me ?'' I said . I asked him because I am fine if he dragged me but it should gentlely hold my wrist. But right now he is dragging me harshly and run . I know he is athlete but I am not as fast as him . so my wrist is hurt because of sudden dragged and run . he didn't said anything . he kept on dragging me .

I try to pull my wrist from him . I make myself stop . so he has to dragged really hard since I didn't want to move with him . then I got an idea . I smirked while squat my body . so he has to dragged me even harder hahaha . im genius .

I enjoying myself while he is dragged my hardly . but then he release my hands and he push me, so because of that I fall to the floor . "haishh, you making it hard ! HEY POOR kid , I just want to chased Mr.Jerry . but you ruin it . I want to change the group . I didn't want to pair with you . you just poor and I don't think I survive my grade . " he said while glaring me . all the student at the hall looking at me poorly . yeah I know . I know they enjoying me being bullied .

"why didn't you say it ? I ask you but you damn ignoring my question , stupid " I said calmly . but then I realise I said stupid to him. I immediately cover my mouth while wide my eyes and stand up . Heh now im going to death . Bye mom dad . I love you . The Aiden Liu definitely killed me for saying that . im dead haha bye .

"sorry " I uttered while trying to escape myself from him . I try to run . I run really really fast . I thought he will run after me , but I saw him just look at me with his mad eye . aihh Soojung , don't look back . just kept on running . see you got yourself trouble again . I thought in my head .

I run back to my art class . I did not care if Aiden found me in class . Well I cant really ignore him forever right. I need to confront with him later on . So why SHOULD I bother running AWAY from him . As if I really dead by his own hand . If Ignore him , that only make me had a lot of trouble . I did not know what to do so im taking my nap with my head on my desk .

While she is happily getting nap , there is one person that still stuuned by her action .

his eyes almost teared up ......


I dragged Krystal after knowing that we has been paired up together . Why her? How can I get good grade if I was team up with her . and obviously im the one paying for everything right? I mean for the project heh . I really need to vanish that POOR KID .

After that , I was thought maybe we can change group . I hold her wrist and dragged her to where Mr.Jerry head on . but then I saw he already almost reach the meeting room . so I run as fast as I can . I didn't realise I dragged krystal while running . her wrist must be in pain right? But who care , I can give her money for the treatment later on . But right now we must talk to Mr.Jerry first .

I kept on running. We almost reach Mr.Jerry but that POOR KID suddenly stop . but I don't stop dragging her tho . but then I felt her more heavy when she squat at down there . This POOR KID . aigoooo . I kept still dragging her , . it is too late already because I saw Mr. Jerry already get in the meeting room .

I let go my hand from krystal and push her to the floor "haishh, you making it hard ! HEY POOR kid , I just want to chased Mr.Jerry . but you ruin it . I want to change the group . I didn't want to pair with you . you just poor and I don't think I survice my grade . " I said annoyingly while glaring at her . All the student at the hall looking at her poorly . yeah I know . Her head started to look down .

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