(34) Ways To Annoy Your BFF

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Dedicated to a amazing and sweggy friend who loves cats, and doesnt mind if I suck at spelling. To my bestie who Ive only known for two years but love more than any other friend. Ever.

Now, Acidpop Girl, if you would like to continue- faboo. If you dont, I will push you into a wall during gym class. NO PRESSURE! Hehehe Love youuuuuu :*

1. Ask them what gender they are.

2. Regardless what gender they are, look at them nervously and every few minutes ask if they need a pad/tampy.

3. Start violently choking on gum or water or whatever then start holding your neck and fall to the ground then after a few mintues of panic get up like everything's fine and say 'Im just kidding'.

4. Serenade your BFF with songs of death and sadness.

5. Lick your lips suductively while looking at them and when they ask, say, "I always heard about best friends falling in love so I thought I should kidnap you tonight." Then prance away laughing.

6. When needing help writing your book on how to annoy people, have your 'best friend for ever' say they will help you come up with ideas then just leave them hanging. *COUGH COUGH HACK.

The next five were made by my best friend, after I blackmailed her into helping me do this. Heh.

7. Touch her repeatedly, especially if there not a touchy person.

8. Poke their nose then act like nothing happened.

9. Jab your fingers into their ears for no reason.

10. fart offen when around their family.

11. Ask for a pad really loudly in front of lots of cute dudes.

12. Go into there home unexprectedly and walk around like you own the place, playing with what you want, eating what evers in the pantry... Yadda Yoddle.

13. Give them a prank lottery ticket making them think they won $30,000,00 then have them take you to various amusment parks because they have lots of money. *Wink Wink*

14. Tell them your preggers with your best friends baby. (Works best of your the same gender.)

15. Dress up as your friend for Halloween then the next few days go to school as them. Slowly take over there life. Moohahaha...

16. Go against every 'bro code' for liking people. Date your friends sibling, ask out someone they called dibs on...

17. Follow behind them all day whispering "I know you want it..." in Robin Thicke's voice.

18. Walk with then and make everything they do into a hashtag.
#forgottofeedthecat #gettingrumbly #makessandwhich #punchesfriendsface #oww

19. Give them a gender bend makeover ;)

20. Pay them to continue to be your friend.

21. Take your worst pictures of them and use them to your advantage. Blackmail your friend if they don't want them on Facebook or Instagram...

22. Dress up as some creepy character like Slender Man or Jeff The Killer and watch them while they sleep.

23. Hiss at them if they communicate in any way with other friends.

24. List all the flaws they have then eat the list.

25. Sing their most hated songs at a loud and blaring volume then say you just like the way the pain from them makes you feel.

26. Experiment against the laws or physics;
Put there hand in COLD water.
Throw them at the ceiling.
Put Mentos into Sprite.
Glue them to a ceiling fan.

27. When changing clothes in gym, steal their shorts and put a thong in its place.

28. Randomly smell their stuff. Locker, pencils, flesh... hehe.

29. Steal their food. (Don't you think for a moment I won't punch you for doing this to me...)

30. Read their text messages but don't answer.

31. Lick everything in there room 'claiming' it. Ewww...

32. After a few minutes of someone typing and they give you a huge paragraph of text stuff answer with only 'k'.

33. Dance around in there pants because you can.

34. Dedicate this to you best friend because you love them and you would lose and arm for them <3


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