(15) Ways To Annoy Your Neighbors

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Omfg. You guys are amazing. Thank you all so much for all the support and so many readssss!! ohmigosh I about died. I love you all my little PEACHIEZ! Enjoy :)

1. Ask him for some sugar and walk inside the house no matter what the answer was or if you were invited in or not.

2. Sit at the end of your driveway and hiss at them if they walk past you.

3. Pick their fruit trees every morning before they wake up then sell them to the owners.

4. As an elder is walking by jump on their back and scream "I DEMAND YOU TO FLY ME TO NARNIA!"

5. Take spray paint and write unicorn was here on the lawn.

6. Kick their chickens. (6-11 by my sister. Yes, she likes chickens.)

7. Take a chicken from their yard and sell it for beef nachos.

8. Take their dogs on a walk and never return them.

9. Cut down their tree then sell it for boxes.

10. Hmm and sigh loudly while they are trying to think.

11. For Halloween dress up as a chicken and go to their porch. Start mooing.

12. Have a full out spaz attack and flop around. When someone try's to help you or asks what was wrong look at them like they are insane and continue with the conversation.

13. Ring the door bell and when they answer scream "MORTAL!" then walk away with swag.

14. Suck on the window and watch everyone walk inside with a demented look.

15. When invited to eat inside say "Oh... yeah because that's what we humans do. We eat... food. Yeah us humans." And pick up the fork awkwardly.

Ok I know this is way way short and probably not that funny... but I'm having some issues and writers block. I really just need some time to let some steam out. I don't like to think of wattpad of a place where 220 people are waiting for me with pitch forks on the other side of the screen ready to be a critic. I love wattpad, it's my second life, but I really don't think I'm going to update offer for a few days. Boy drama, boy drama and more boy drama. You know that just doesn't sound right... boy are not suppose to have drama! well this is the end of my stupid little rants like thing and I apologize to all my PEACHIEZ who do like my writing.

I love you all so much and thanks for understanding.

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