(36) Ways To Annoy People During Cristmas Break

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First of all thank you everyone for reading this, I would also like to say I apologize for anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas with us traditional folk. BUT if you don't click out now you get a free cookie! okay no you don't but you may learn some ways to really tick off your family & friends.

One more thing! I have another dare, because the other one didn't get finished. [awkward cough.] If you say (in the comments):

•What chapter it was... 

•What number is was... 

• And how long you laughed about it...


Enough of this yiddle-yaddle so Enjoy!

1. Use the Christmas tree as a back scratcher.

2. Hide under the tree and lick people's hands as they try to reach for a gift then crawl away awkwardly.

3. Slither around on the ground like a snake and hiss at people if they got a better present than you did.

4. Give all the children essays on why Santa is a stalker who sneaks into your house, plays with a tree you bought, steals your cookies then leaves.

5. Every time you open a gift ask if it came with a receipt.

6. Ask your mom if goodwill had better clothing choices.

7. Cook roast penguin for dinner but tell everyone it's turkey then laugh silently into your arm.

8. During diner stroke your bag or purse awkwardly then whisper 'Were almost there...'

9. Ask if you can have Loki (character from Thor & the Avengers movies) for Christmas.

10. Ask why you can't have Loki for Christmas.

11. Smack chickens with buckets of creamed livers until you get Loki for Christmas.

(Btw I like Loki :D)

12. Eat Loki.

13. Pick the pine needles of the tree for tea.

14. Cut down the tree to make a boat to Narania.

15. Take down the stockings on the fire place and run around the house naked with the on your feet screaming "ITS NOT EASTER! ITS NOT EASTERRRRRR!" While shaking your head violently.

16. shake all the gifts on Christmas Eve until there broken then blame it on the wall.

17. [While at mall] Hire little kids with $5 to pee on the fake Santa.

18. [Again at mall with fake Santa] (be older than 12) sit on Santa's lap. Rip off his hat and smack him in the face twice and start screaming random things. (Examples: THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT LOVING DOLPHINS! or ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG YOU JERK! or maybe WHY'D YOU TAKE MY TACO!?!??!)

19. [AGAIN at mall...] Walk past him and whisper in his ear: "The reindeer know what you did..." and awkwardly walk away shaking your finger like 'No no no...'

20. On your Christmas wish list write you want 'Him' then start licking the paper.

21. Instead of putting milk & cookies out put lamb tacos. (My version of Gyros.)

22. Write your wish list in acronyms in pig Latin.

23. Ask for a stop sign.

24. Fly around like a unicorn.

25. Ask for a pet fly.

26. When someone asks what religion you are scream "YOU DON'T HAVE ANY PROOF AND PROVE NOTHING!"

27. Before you open your first gift stare at it. Watch it. Don't open it. When your mom or dad or whatever asks what's wrong so you sense it's not ____ whatever you wanted then start streaking down the street.

28. Start 'mooing' at your sister.

29. Punch a wall when you don't get the bestiest and newiest gadget that costs about $1000 dollars.

30. Start climbing up the walls and claim your spider man ready to pounce.

31. Get a bunch of emo or black clothes and fake piercings and put it all on then act all happy and sunshine and unicorns.

32. Set up a Santa trap.

33. Not so silently whisper how your going to 'eliminate' your bests friends best friend... COUGH> JESSAMINE.

34. Let wild bats fly around in the house at night when nobody's watching then also try to fly around like Batman. Remember... If nobody's seen you in the same room as Batman there is no proof you aren't him...

35. Cook turkey for dinner. Without plucking the feathers, or anything. Just tell your family to eat it. (Nummy)

36. Push down the Christmas tree and blame it on the wall. (Wow... we have some bad walls...)

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