(44) Ways To Annoy Boys

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1. In gym class do more push ups in one minute than he did.

2. Ask if they want to see your tampon.

3. Ask him where he got his weave.

4. Shove a waffle in his Xbox than say you thought it was a toaster.

5. Paint him on mustache.

6. Go behind him and start twerking. When he turns around say, "Sorry... thought you were my brother."

7. Punch his face then as your running away say, "You cant touch me! IMA GIRL!" 

8. Steal his hair gel.

9. Randomly stroke his chest then say, "yep... he's still there..."

10. Tell him your his soul mate because you took a quiz in a magazine proving it.

11. Throw his gaming systems down the stairs.

12. Take a sample of his hair and try to clone him with the DNA.

13. For his birthday give him a pack of extra large pads.

14. After he works out or whatever and he sweats all over acuse him of wetting himself.... publicly.

15. Give him your cat.

16. Paint his nails pink in his sleep.

17. When he is trying to fall asleep chuck sheep at him.

18. Randomly start giggling when you look at him. When he looks back at you make up an accuse to look like you we not just staring at him. ("Oops forgot my taco!" or "How many unicorns can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck unicorns?")

19. Make him a Christmas tree in his sleep. Put lights and pretty stuff all over his body. Laugh silently.

20. Make a life sized gingerbread house and shove him in it with you. Tell him in a demented voice, "This is where we will live together.... forever... and ever..." after tying him up.

21. When he's busy with something take his hand and put it against yours. When he looks at you say "You need to know how big the hand cuffs have to be,".

22. Smile at him in a flirty manor. When he looks at you say, "Hmmmmm... I wonder what you would look like in Edolas...." 

Edolas- A parallel universe in the anime Fairy Tail that has all the characters but with opposite personalities. If that person is strong and works hard, in Edolas he is most likely weak, gives up easily, and useless.

23. Buy weights and work out type things and hand them to him. When he tries to say thank you for the gifts take them back because you bought them for you then scoff loudly.

24. Go up to his face and randomly lick him.

25. Get 'Call Of Duty: Ghosts' and 'Grand Theft Auto 5' then dont let him play it.

26. Give his phone number out to any body. (Pervy girls, Japanese translators, your dad, accountants ect.)

27. Ask him what his favorite food is then make it. Give it to the neighborhood cats.

28. When you kick him out of your house send him on a scavenger hunt to find his belongings.

29. Buy high end clothing for guys/men then wear them yourself.

30. Another birthday present- Give him a box then claim that's what little kids like more than the real gift.

31. Cover his back yard in bubble wrap then say "Its a wild world out there..."

32. Give him homemade tatoos of cats.

33. Forcfuly shove his finger in a plastic fan then claim you were doing an experiment. (OMG I did this like two years ago but it was with my finger. I wanted to know if my finger would explode or something...)

34. Buy him a Mercedes Benz then drive it off a cliff with explosives in it. Watch the beyond expensive fireworks show.

35. Make all of his socks into puppets then hoard them in your bra.

36. Make him a scarf and bite him if he doesn't wear it.

37. When making a dress or clothing, use him as a pin cushion.

38. When he is in the bathroom, walk in on purpose then pretend your about to leave but find different excusing to NOT leave. (Drop the toothbrushes, trip four times, start taking shower...)

39. Find out his daily schedule then 'coincidentally' be there when he is. (If he works at a coffee shop, you just found out you love the pastry they specialize in, or if he goes to get gas on Sundays go and chill out at the mini mart inside.)

40. Die in his back yard because you saw a bird.

41. Ask him which tampon brand be prefers.

42. Hmm to the sound of a siren in his face screaming "WE RAN OUT OF WAFFLES!"

43. Lick his foot.

44. Clog his toilet with his face.

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