Chapter XII: A Story For Another Day

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I opened my eyes in what feels like forever which was actually only a day or two. I felt a cold liquid being pushed through my arm which was from an IV bag. My feet were covered in big bandages. To my right I saw an old female doctor with long white hair and red eyes.

"Hello, Damion can you hear me? Don't respond vocally just yet only my blinking once for yes twice for no."

I blinked once trying to find out how I got here.

"Can you feel anything?" I didn't feel any pain but I felt a numbness I blinked once. "Do you have any recollection of the past events." I blinked twice. I tried to remember everything before this but it caused a great pain in my head. I knew only one thing that I loved Marshall although I didn't even knew what he looked like or who he was just that I loved him. I wished to see him once again so I'd know. "You are in the hospital we are treating your burns you were locked in a closet while the house has burned down. The firemen were able to get you out before you were engulfed you were lucky and only your feet were effected by the fire. You were found undernourished and were put under a critical level 8 which means you were our top priority and until we can get you back to walking we cant further the case. As soon as you get out you will be testifying on the grand jury. For what reasons they wouldn't tell me."

"What about Luciana?" I scratched out my voice in great pain.

"We don't know who you are talking about there was nobody there with you. Only you." With that she left without telling me when she'd be back. I felt sleepy suddenly and had fell asleep. It went on like that for a month: eat, sleep, answer questions, and attempt to walk. I never got a response on who Luciana was my memories came back and I wanted Marshall. Today was our court date the nurses handed me a old button up and slacks. "Is this a dead mans clothes?" I asked and they never answered. So I sucked it up and put them on and within minutes my ride was here. Once we arrived in the court room "Case number 3902 Nico Haize V. Marshall Ino" I looked around and noticed that Marshall wasn't here. I sighed my mood darkened because I couldn't see him. After thirty minutes of debate of testimonials given by various people I was called up to the witnesses stand.

Nicos judge Dr.Daiko approached me from the Plaintiffs desk. "Your name is Damion Diatsartsi correct."


I sighed I wouldn't be testifying had I not been forced to. I don't want to hurt Marshall.

"Has Marshall ever hit you?"

"He never meant to hurt me he loves me I've just been bad."

Dr.Daiko cleared his throat "That doesn't answer the question."

Dang it wrong thing to say hopefully no one noticed that "No" I began to sweat and wiped my palms on the pants I was given.

Dr.Daiko turned to the courts people and began to speak "Let the courts take into account that the witness has Stockholm syndrome from previous abuses."

"Hey Marshall-" I was cut off by the judge who silenced me immediately.

"You're not allowed to talk Mr.Diatsartsi unless you are addressed to."

I sighed as the Plantiffs lawyer once again approached me. "Diatsartsi" he paused as if this was a movie. "Did you know your father?"

I froze and was pulled into a memory that still haunted me.

"I'm gay dad" he just stood there in shock for a few minutes before he grabbed a belt and began to hit me with it mother wasn't home that day.

"No son of mine is going to be gay you are a child of the lord!" I screamed but he continued to hit me. That night he didn't return except to give me a check that would keep me going each month. He resented my existence but didn't want me to die because i was all that was left of my mother.

"Mr. Diatsartsi please answer the question" The judge recommended "Also could someone please get him a towel or something he's bleeding."

Noticing I was biting down on my lip I let go and accepted the towel the cop gave me. After cleaning up my blood I responded bitterly "No."

"And your mother"

I remembered a lot of her in my childhood but they were all memories that I'd longed to forget so they all became scattered only the good ones remained. "Yes."

"And up to which age did you stop seeing her."

Thinking back hurt my head but I knew how long and I quietly responded to her question. "I knew her until I'd turned six."

I wish these questions would stop."Do you have anyone you love?"

"Marshall Ino"

"Other than the defendant if you'd please."

"No" I wish he was here he would save me.

The cop went out in the hall and returned with Marshall I calmed down upon seeing him.

"Let the courts see that after the defendants brother was arrested the witness was completely dependent upon the defendants gifts and givings."

Marshalls lawyer began to talk to him in hushed whispers and I'd grown jealous of the lawyer."Did you notice the defendant using drugs of any kind during your relationship."

Looking to Marshall I smiled "No all I noticed was him."

"Then why did we find syringes of heroin under the bed in which you two slept in?"

"I put them there" I lied but I was quickly shot down.

"No you didn't you couldn't have your prints were never found near that area or on the syringes that we found. We found Marshalls prints all over them."

"I do not know then why they are there or who put them there " I became angry and my voice became irritated. "People don't like the fact that we are together so they try to make it look like he way using them."

"Have you ever asked the defendant about his place of work or where he gets his money from?"

"No I have not it's not my place to ask such questions."

After a couple more questions Marshalls lawyer came up to the stand. "The doctors say that you were repeatably asking for Marshall and another person can you recall the other persons name."

"Luciana Vaques" I replied from memory.

"And where was Luciana the day of the fire."

"She was with me I swear but no one wants to believe me." No one will believe me they wont listen but she was there.

"There is no one with the name Luciana Vaques. There was someone with the name Luciana Vaques years ago but she had died at age sixty."

"No she was there I swear!" I had grown fed up with the remarks and how everyone keeps saying she wasn't real.

After hours of debate the courts adjourned and I screamed yelling and kicking as they finished it. "Marshall Ino is found guilty of substance abuse and of not guilty of the abuse of Damion Diatsartsi. Marshall Ino is to be sent to jail for two years without parole or bail." The cop started to cuff Marshall and I jumped from the place I was sitting and Jumped on the cop and started to hit and scratch him I began to bite I wanted Marshall free and they were going to take him away from me. My heart hurt they were going to separate us for longer than I already had been away from him.

Backup had arrived and pulled me off of the cop and cuffed me too. "Damion Diatsartsi is to be listed into 6 months of rehab after he serves a year or more depending on his actions here in after court adjourns in the Psychiatric ward." The cops injected me with a clear liquid that made me extremely tired. Soon I was asleep when I woke I was being dragged through the meeting room for the psychiatric ward and looked up. Before leaving. She had long blonde hair and black eyes with bags under them. She was skinnier than I remember her and she met eye contact with me.

"Damion" She stood in shock as I was being carried to the place where I'd be living for the next year or so.

"Mom" She didn't say anything more we were both in shock. I let the cops drag me into my room and place me on my bed while I continued to stare at the wall. Everything was wrong.

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